One Funnel Away Challenge Review & Bonuses | The ClickFunnels 30 DAY Challenge

‘You're One Funnel Away’.

‘Do you accept the challenge?’

I am pretty sure you have come across these statements multiple times on the internet, since Russell and his team are continuously running ads for this trending training series – The One Funnel Away Challenge.

In some cases, you might be on the fence of deciding whether or not to invest your $100 into this program, since you’re still doing some research to discover if the program is really for you.

But don't worry because this article will uncover everything you need to know about this program, so that you can make a final decision on whether to enrol or ignore this program.

As someone who has gone through the OFA, l will share with you my best opinion about this program based on the following sub-topics:

I will also share with you my custom bonuses which are worth way more than the price of the OFA (for free) if you choose to enrol through my link.

So read till the end if you want to find in-depth information about the One Funnel Away Challenge (OFA).

Without further ado, let me get into the meat and potatoes of this discussion.

What Is One Funnel Away Challenge (OFA)?

One Funnel Away Challenge Review

In simple terms, it is a step by step video training series whereby Russell (the founder of ClickFunnels) and his team grabs you by the hand and walks you through the journey of how to become successful with your online business.

Within 30 days of the program, you can get your business up and running since you will be receiving some help from other successful entrepreneurs who have already achieved the success that you desire.

The top coaches for this program are Russell Brunson alongside Stephen Larsen, Julie Stoian, amongst other successful online entrepreneurs.

Honestly, l think the OFA is undercharged since these top entrepreneurs shares their top secrets in this training series just for $100.

However, other gurus out there are charging way more than this amount just to give their ‘fake secrets’ to you, which in most cases are not realistic since these gurus don't practice what they preach.

(Most of these gurus makes most of their money from selling those fake courses than the money they make from implementing what they teach)

But with OFA, its a different story!

You learn some real actionable strategies that you can implement to start growing your business as soon as possible.

These steps are broken down into daily tasks, which makes it easier for you to adopt and implement.

However, with other courses, you spend some few months learning a lot of useless staff then you try to implement the staff after completing the course. In most cases, you suffer from information overload since you will be saturated with information, whilst the implementation part is weak.

For a person like me, l really prefer the teaching style that is used in the One Funnel Away program since you get a workbook which you can use on a daily basis to stay on the right track.

Who Is It For?

Ideally, One Funnel Away Challenge was designed for people who are so eager to achieve success in their online business, but they don't know how to connect the different pieces of the puzzle.

I understand that a lot of people have not yet achieved the success which they desire in their online business. (I get it because l was once there)

Online business is one of the most humbling businesses that l have seen because its very difficult to navigate the different wires and pieces of this business – especially if you're just starting out.

A lot of beginners get excited when they see other people who are earning huge amounts. And they get into the online space with high expectations like; ‘I want to make $100k by the end of this year'.

I was like that when l was just starting out because l though l will achieve success super easy since l was basing my thoughts on the amount of academic certificates and awards that l have. (Academic success does not guarantee business success).

I discovered that the online business is one of the toughest business models on this planet.

But if you enrol in a program like One Funnel Away, you can get some useful knowledge that will help in cutting your learning curve into half or less.

If you have some successful coaches by your side, your learning experience becomes ‘easier' since these coaches knows exactly which pitfalls to avoid as they know most of the problems involved in this online journey.

But to make this section simple, l think the OFA Challenge is for anyone who falls into any of these categories:

• Beginner affiliates who don't know where to start.

• People who are eager to quit their jobs and work on their own terms (want to fire your boss).

• People who want to launch their own products but don't know how to properly launch those products.

• People who want to know how to build and launch sales funnels.

• Intermediate/Advanced marketers who wants to improve their skillset.

• People who have not yet achieved a full time living with their online business.

• Business people who feels like they’re stuck

If you fall into any of these categories, l guess the One Funnel Away Challenge is what you need.

What's Included In The OFA Kit? (Unboxing)

One Funnel Away kit

So basically, the One Funnel Away comes in the form of digital or physical.

But personally, l prefer the physical version since l prefer to use hard copy books than soft copy versions just for one reason: l easily get distracted when l try to read an eBook on my computer because l can receive a disturbing email notification at any time and shift my focus right away.

That’s why l chose the physical version even though it involves some shipping costs.

The following items were included in the kit:

One Funnel Away Workbook

This is one of the greatest tools (in my opinion) since it keeps me accountable and consistent.

This book also gives some actionable steps that you can follow in order to execute your business plan.

Others call it a step by step implementation plan/ to do list, since this book shows you what you need to do each day from the beginning to the end of the training series.

You can also write down some short notes in this book, so as to track your progress as well as the areas where you need some improvements.

Another cool thing l like about this book is that it includes some advice/quotes, which motivates me to work more harder even if l am feeling stuck.

There is a lot to talk about this book but you will see for yourself once you get it.


In my opinion, l think that this is the bible of the One Funnel Away Challenge.

This is so because the information that is contained in this book is just on another level.

This book contains some great ideas and advice from successful millionaires on what they'll do to re-build their businesses in 30 Days, assuming that each one of them has lost his/her business, email list, and every other business assets that you can think of.

Some of the two comma club members gave their step by step plan of action on what they would do in such a situation in order to come back and thrive again in this online space.

Each of them clearly stated his/her day to day plan of action, that he/she will follow in the next 30 Days to re-boost his/her business from scratch.

Thus, you can remodel the strategies that were shared by these two comma club member, and add your own twist (its easier to remodel success than to reinvent the wheel).

My advise is, choose one person who resonates with you and follow his/her plan of action.

In my case, l want to become one of the super affiliates for ClickFunnels and l was inspired by a guy called Spencer Mecham.

If you are not familiar with this guy, he is the first person to reach a million dollars in affiliate commissions utilising ClickFunnels.

Thus, l want to use some of his strategies since there is a lot to learn from this guy.

To be honest, this book alone contains information that is worth thousands of dollars but it is being offered to you for close to nothing. (I don't think there's a better offer than this one)

OFA MP3 Player

In my opinion, l find this device very useful since l like to listen to business podcasts when lm at the gym, driving, or just relaxing at home.

Some information is easier to understand when you listen to an audio than when you try to read a book.

The MP3 player comes with some great audio files, which includes some of the past interviews that you can listen and use for inspiration.

OFA Pricing

The One Funnel Away Challenge only costs $100.

Yeah! Only a single Benjamin. That’s it!

However, if you need the physical copies of the workbook, mp3 player and 30, you might need to pay an additional shipping fee ($19.95 for if you're in the US, and $29.95 if you're outside US)

After spending thousands on courses, l must admit that this is the best investment that l have done in my life. The training itself is worth way more than $100, considering the value that you get from this program.

Bear in mind that Russell Brunson charges more that $100k per day if you need a consulting call with him. However, if you take advantage of the OFA, you can have him and his entire team to help you for just $100 for the whole 30 Day period.

That's a great deal ahaaa!

Why You Should Join The One Funnel Away Challenge

So now you want to know why the One Funnel Away Challenge is necessary for you and your business right!

Let me share with you why you need to join this awesome training program.

Firstly, the biggest reason why you need to join this program is that you get to work with some proven coaches, who have some proven results that you wish to achieve.

Its like hiring a coach like Jurgen Klopp or Pep Guardiola who has won some several trophies and you invite them to be the coach of your team.

Obviously, your chances of succeeding will be higher since you will be working with someone who has some great experience.

Secondly, you should join the OFA Challenge because of its price. There is no mentorship program that provides a ton of value for such a low price like $100.

Most mentorship programs are being sold for thousands of dollars, with a lot of upsells as well but at the end, you won't get any tangible information from most of those courses.

But the One Funnel Away is the best deal that you could ever get on this platform, since it is being charged for a relatively low price whilst the content is so much valuable.

Thirdly, you get to network with some like-minded people who are also on the same journey as you. This is so because there is a private Facebook group for OFA members, where you can ask questions, as well as share your opinions on particular topics.

However, if you're trying to figure out internet marketing by yourself without any entrepreneurial friends, the journey might be very tough especially if everyone around you is against your business ideas. (close friends and family may discourage you if they don't believe in your ideas)

However, with the OFA, you become part of a great family which is supportive, since most of the members will be on the same page as you.

Another reason why you need to take the OFA challenge is that it is tried and tested (proven to work).

One Funnel Away Challenge has changed the lives of many people across the globe, since most people who took the OFA and implemented the strategies are getting great results in their online businesses.

A lot of success stories have been witnessed over the past years, which shows that this program really works.

And the people who succeeded with this training were just like you, but their lives changed ever since they took the One Funnel Away Challenge.

So if the OFA worked for them, it might definitely work for you as well.

One Funnel Away Bonuses

Bonuses (From ClickFunnels)

For those of you who knows Russell Brunson, this guy is very good when it comes to creating irresistible offers.

He knows how to convince customers to buy his products, since he makes you feel like you're getting more value for less money.

Here's a quick recap of his bonuses:

Bonus #1: 30 Days eBook (550 page book)

Bonus #2: Workbooks

Bonus #3: Access To 30 Day Interviews

Bonus #4: Two Comma Club Funnels (Behind The Scenes)

Bonuses (From Me)

So l have been thinking a lot about whether to give out this asset or not.

Because l paid a professional copywriter on Fiverr to create this asset for my businesses.

I hate to admit it, but l paid close to $3400 bucks to get these email swipes done by a professional copywriter on Fiverr.

But l am willing to give you these email swipes for FREE.

Yes! You heard me right.

I have some highly converting email swipes (All niches) which l use in my businesses on a daily basis.

Sounds too good to be true right?

What if l tell you that lm also willing to sacrifice my time in order to help you succeed in your business journey!

Yes! I mean lm willing to sacrifice my time to answer all your questions via email just for FREE for the next 90 Days! (I usually charge $780 per hour since time is money)

But lm willing to give you my time just for FREE.

I mean it! All you have to do is to signup for the One Funnel Away using this LINK!

Once you enrol, you can simply send me an email @ with proof of enrolment then l organise your $5000 worth of bonuses for you.


Benefits of One Funnel Away Challenge

• You can get your business up and running in less time

• Very affordable

• You also learn how to create highly converting sales funnels for your products

• You learn how to attract your ideal customers, rather than chasing them

• Its beginner friendly, since it is laid up as a step by step process

• You’ll also learn the art of story telling, since story telling is crucial in increasing conversions

• You get the help of successful entrepreneurs, who have been in business for years.

• Tried and tested (proven to work for many people around the globe)

Limitations of One Funnel Away Challenge

• You can't work at your own pace (some people might fail to cope with the speed of this training)

Additional Costs Involved

• You might need to pay an additional fee for shipping (if you choose the physical version)

• You must be prepared to pay for the ClickFunnels software

My Biggest Take Away From The One Funnel Away Challenge

The biggest lesson that l learnt from this training is knowing the difference between products and offers.

Most businesses tries to sale products the traditional way, and in most cases, there is millions of other businesses that might be selling the same products.

But if you want to differentiate your products from your competitors, you should focus on creating irresistible offers.

Instead of reducing price, what if you create an irresistible offer for that same amount, so that your customers feel like they're getting more for less.

Customers always want to feel the sense of winning all the time, thus you should build a mouse trap for them.

For example, let's say everyone in your niche is selling second hand mobile devices (without accessories).

In order to make your business stand out, what if you offer free accessories, free shipping, or any other extra features which your competitors are not offering.

Those tiny improvements might boost your conversions, since customers prefer to buy from where they can get maximum value for their money.


Final Verdict

As a person who has invested in various online courses, l think that the One Funnel Away Challenge is among the few genuine courses out there.

The fact that you get the help of successful entrepreneurs makes this program more unique.

We all know that there's a lot of gurus who teaches complicated staff which in most cases they don't even use in their own businesses. And they charge thousands of dollars for those nonsense courses.

I recently traced the history of one of the top gurus in the affiliate marketing space to see how much he makes from affiliate marketing itself.

But to my surprise, that guy has never done affiliate marketing in his life, yet he teaches people how to make $10k per month with affiliate marketing.

He makes all of his money from selling his courses, rather than the affiliate marketing business.

And he keeps upselling the students claiming that top secrets are found in the more expensive plans.

However, all these issues are not found in the One Funnel Away.

That's why the training comes with a money back guarantee, so as to refund your money if you feel like the training was not worth it.

But as of now, there is very low refund rates which proves that the program delivers what it promises.

Why not try this program yourself and see what your business will look like in the near future.

So lm inviting you to join the winning team using the link below

Don't forget to connect with me via email once you enrol into this training

See you on the other side.

One Funnel Away FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is The Idea Behind The Title; ‘One Funnel Away'

As Russell mentioned in one of his interviews, he stated that a lot of people are not too far from achieving success in their lives.

He argued that it only takes one opportunity in order to change your financial situation.

Hence you're:

‘One Funnel Away from quitting your job'

‘One Funnel Away from achieving financial freedom'

‘One Funnel Away from getting your first sale'

‘One Funnel Away from launching your business'

The list goes on.......

Is The One Funnel Away Challenge Really Helpful?

Based on the positive reviews and testimonials that this program has been getting, there is no doubt that this program has helped many people across the globe.

Some people spends a lot of years failing to get any sales since the online space is not as easy as people think. However, most of them make their first sale when they take the One Funnel Away training.

In my opinion, this is the best hundred bucks that l have ever spend in my life because the value that l got from the training is just insane.

How Much Does It Cost To Join The One Funnel Away Challenge?

OFA only costs $100 for the digital version, whereby you can download the eBooks as pdf files as well as the audio files of the past interviews.

However, if you prefer the physical version, you might need to pay a small shipping fee, which normally costs $19.95 if you're in the US, and $29.95 if you're outside the US.

Is OFA Worth $100?

Most people who asks this question are afraid of loosing their hard earned money since there is a ton of useless courses these days.

But in my opinion, l think One Funnel Away is worth way more than a single Benjamin.

This is so because the value contained inside this training is worth thousands of dollars - let's be honest.

But Russell is only charging $100 since he wants to help as many people as possible.

Remember, Russell charges over $100k per day for his consultation services but he's letting you enjoy his services just for $100.

The bonuses offered are also way above the price that is being charged, especially the 30 book.

So in my opinion, l think that One Funnel Away is being undercharged.

Is There Any Money Back Guarantee?

Yes of course!

Russell clearly stated that ‘if you feel like the program is not the right fit for you, simply send an email to the support team and ask for a refund'.

But the truth is, there is less refunds involved since this program over-delivers great value.

Is There Any Hidden Upsells?

Yes of course!

The main reason why OFA was created is to help people to create some sales funnels for their businesses.

The truth is, you will use the ClickFunnels software to create these funnels and this software is paid on a monthly basis ($97 or $297).

Thus, the money that is spend in advertising One Funnel Away Challenge is recovered when people pays for the ClickFunnels software to create their funnels.

(NB: ClickFunnels gives a 14 FREE trial)

However, they don't force you to use their software. You're FREE to use other alternatives if you feel so.

When Is The Next One Funnel Away Challenge?

The One Funnel Away Challenge is done almost once every month.

Thus, if you miss this month's edition, you might need to check the sales page to see when the next challenge starts.

This is so because OFA aims at providing group coaching, hence people are enrolled in batches.

My Story

(From Being Super Confused To Becoming Super Confident)

So basically, l was just like most of you, l was a regular guy who always had the mind-set of ‘go to school, get good grades, and find a good job’, hoping that l will climb the corporate ladder and become rich when l retire.

However, when l went to college, l discovered that most people who were working my dream job were not even close to what l wanted to achieve.

That's when my eyes opened and l realised that education is not the true way to financial freedom.

I remember sitting in lecture rooms, starring through the window like; ‘man, there’s more out there'.

Coincidentally, l found a popular book in one of my friend's locker – Rich Dad Poor Dad

This book changed my mind-set since it taught me to separate my time from money in order to become rich (passive income is key in becoming rich).

So l decided to do some research on the passive income ideas that can help in generating some good residual income.

After doing a lot of research, l then discovered about affiliate marketing and it caught my attention.

I was impressed because this business model allows a regular person just like me to partner with some of the biggest brands and advertise their products on their behalf, and earn some income without having to worry about customer service, inventory, shipping, etc.

I mean, there’s no other great deal that can surpass this.

When l started, l thought l knew everything and l was so sceptical about investing in online courses.

I thought that l can do this staff on my own, since l was a pretty smart kid in school.

However, after some months of trial and error, l discovered that the online space is not as easy as it seems. (if you're outside the bubble, you might assume that everything inside the bubble is perfect).

I then decided to invest in a paid mentorship program, which was priced at $997 at that time.

I thought that investing in such an expensive program will help me in generating results fast, but it turned out that the program was useless – one upsell after another.

At first, l though that l was not doing enough to implement the strategies, only to realise that more than 90% of the students were encountering the same issues.

The strategies that were being taught were not practical – the guru taught some things that were interesting to hear, but not applicable in practice.

The course creator didn't even care about his students, since he only needed our money.

I was stressed, depressed, hurt, all of these three.

I think you know how it feels to lose your last buck on a fake product that does not even work.

I never knew how l was going to tell my friends and family, since l knew that they would laugh at me and add some more stress.

I remember during those days l had to spend most of my time alone, locked inside my room, so as to avoid any interactions with my friends and family.

Remember l was still in college and anyone in college knows how hard it is to gather such kind of money ...... and then lose the money just like that.

However, after a few months, l decided to get over it, since l knew that l was still young and l had time to recover from the loss.

Besides, l asked myself this question; ‘Should l quit this evergreen business opportunity simply because l have lost $997?

I knew that the long term benefits were far more than the $997!

Thus, l decided to dive back into this business model and re-focus my attention once again.

At that time, l started to look for Facebook groups so as to find like minded people who l can network with.

In a bid to look for these business groups, l came across the ‘ClickFunnels Affiliates’ group and l decided to browse through the posts.

I had been an affiliate for ClickFunnels for a long time but l was not actively promoting it. l had applied for the affiliate program way back, but l was just not promoting the software since l was mainly focusing on amazon associates at that time.

I was inspired to see some successful affiliates who were posting their results on a daily basis and l was like; ‘If they can do it, l can do it too'.

But most of them were praising the One Funnel Away, claiming that their businesses thrived from the moment they undertook the OFA training.

I became interested bit by bit, since l was eager to yield the same results that they were achieving.

But what kept me back from taking action is that l was still sceptical on investing in online courses, since my first experience was bad.

I had the mind-set of; ‘what if l lose my $100, that will mean that l lost a total of $1097 on paid courses that are just fake.

I remember looking at my $122 bank account like, ‘should l give it a try?’

I spent some few days checking the OFA sales page, then l would click back since l was not yet ready to let go that Benjamin.

But what finally led me into enrolling is that l asked myself; ‘what else can l use the $100 for if l don't invest in myself'

This is so because most times, l used to blow money on useless purchases so either way, l was going to lose that money on useless things.

So l finally took the leap of faith and enrolled into the program, implemented the strategies, and the rest is history.

I’m now here working on my own terms; 5 hours per week (Tuesdays only), working from anywhere in the world (of course when there is no quarantine).

But it all started with that tiny decision of enrolling into this program, rather than spending the money on the new pair of T-shirt.

So my advice is; take a leap of faith and give it a try.

Who knows, you might be the next success story.

Want To Test Your Affiliate Knowledge?