Introduction To Webinar Marketing: How To Use Them To Sell Your Products Online

Introduction To Webinar Marketing: How To Use Them To Sell Your Products Online

In this tutorial, l will quickly share with you a 7 step process that you can use to sell your own products using webinars.

It includes the following steps:

Without wasting much time, let me explain each of these steps in great detail.

1. Define Your Target Audience

The first step is to define your target audience i.e. who are they?

Are they people who're looking to quit their 9 to 5 jobs & make a full time living online?

Are they obese moms who're eager to lose weight?

Or maybe they're just some young men who’re struggling to get women?

It's so important to define your ideal audience – since it helps a lot when it comes to positioning your message.

Thus, if you don't know who your target audience is, then pause right now & do some thinking.

2. Research About Their Pain Points

Assuming you've defined your target audience, the next step is to research about their pain points i.e. what are they struggling with the most?

Using our previous examples;

If someone wants to quit his/her 9 to 5, he/she is sick & tired of waking up to an annoying alarm, getting stuck in traffic, dealing with toxic cooperate drama, getting paid peanuts, etc.

If someone is obese, he/she is probably sick & tired of being laughed at by fellow friends and family, or maybe he/she is just feeling uncomfortable around other people – or even afraid of getting heart diseases.

If someone is getting rejected by women, he's probably afraid of staying single for the rest of his life, or maybe he's being laughed at by his fellow friends who're in happy relationships.

I think you've grasped the concept from these few examples.

The key is to list down all the major pain points that are affecting your target audience – since these will help you a lot when you're delivering your message.

If you touch on their main pain points, your leads will sell themselves on the offer – without you having to push them to take action.

3. Craft An Eye-Catching Title

The next step is to come up with a catchy title which attracts your target audience.

The title should be based around how the webinar will help to cure your audience's pain points – so that they can be enticed to sign up for the webinar ASAP.

Going back to our previous examples, the following titles can work pretty well:

(a) Discover The Secret Formula That Has Helped Thousands Of People To Quit Their 9 to 5 Jobs & Make A Full Time Living Online

(b) New Video Reveals: How A 43 Year Old Mom From LA Lost 22 Pounds In 10 Days – Without Going To The Gym

(c) Discover The Secret Method That Has Helped Thousands Of Young Men To Attract Beautiful Women Of Their Dreams

The title should touch a little bit on the pain points – as well as giving some hope to the audience.

That way, they'll be enticed to signup for the webinar.

4. Promote Your Webinar

The next step is to promote your webinar – so as to invite potential prospects to signup for the webinar.

Without any promotion, you wont get any leads (unless if you have an email list).

But if you don't have a list, then you might need to run some paid ads to your webinar – and that's the fastest way to get in front of more eyebrows ASAP.

You can run ads on Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. – since most people uses these platforms on a daily basis – thus, your ideal customers are most likely hanging around those platforms.

Other than paid ads, you can also look into other forms of organic marketing like content marketing.

This helps to get some free organic traffic to your webinar without having to pay for clicks – thus, allowing you to keep more profits.

5. Collect Leads

Assuming you're now getting some traffic, you should start collecting some leads i.e. email addresses.

The reason being that, most people are always distracted by a lot of things on the internet – thus, they might leave your platform without attending your webinar.

But if you have their email addresses, you can contact them in the future – so as to remind them about your upcoming webinar.

Besides, you can also use those email addresses to promote other offers in the future – thus, allowing you to profit from that same list.

Thus, it's important to collect email addresses – so that you can keep in touch with those people.

6. Send Follow-up Emails

Once you have collected some leads, you should start sending some follow-up emails – so as to remind them about your upcoming webinar.

In this era, most people are always distracted by a lot of things – thus, they might forget about your webinar.

But if you keep reminding them, they'll most likely remember about it – thus, they'll attend it.

Quick Tip:

You should plant curiosity in their minds – so that they'll be motivated to attend the webinar.

You should also promise them a valuable gift/bonus (for free) i.e. if they attend the webinar.

That way, your attendance rate will boost significantly.

7. Host The Actual Webinar

Assuming it's now the actual day of the webinar, you should host the webinar.

But before you host it, you should prepare a nice presentation – so that your webinar looks more organised.

You should also prepare some side notes which helps to guide you throughout the webinar – so that you wont leave out some important things.

But for your webinar to convert, you should provide some real value to your audience.

Because if you provide some great value, people will feel like they have to pay you for your information – that’s called reciprocity.

You should also try to tell some stories – because most people resonates a lot with stories.

The beauty part of stories is that, they sell on their own i.e. if you tell someone how you struggled with a certain problem, they'll more likely resonate with it since they might be in a similar situation.

They will become curious in knowing how you overcame the problem – so that they can overcome it too.

And by the time you present a solution to them, they’ll more likely trust your recommendation.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much how you can sell your own products using webinars.

Webinars are a great way to sell high ticket items – since they convert better than any other form of marketing.

That's why most ‘gurus’ sells their own courses through webinars – because they work pretty well.

Side Note:

You can also put your previous webinars on replay – so that you wont have to record a new webinar each and every time you want to sell your products.

Instead, you can just drive traffic to a pre-recorded webinar – thus, allowing you to automate the whole process.


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