Beginner's Guide To Apple Affiliate Program

Beginner's Guide To Apple Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

Apple is probably one of the best companies in the world – since it's well known for its high proprietary technology.

It produces a wide variety of great tech products – ranging from iPhones, Macbooks, Desktops, Headphones, iPads, iPods, etc.

And most people (especially in the US) prefers to use Apple products – since they're more classy and unique – compared to android products.

Thus, it's definitely a great company when it comes to tech gadgets.

But in this post, we're going to mainly focus on its affiliate/referral program.

Just like most companies, Apple also runs a great affiliate program – so as to allow its customers or loyal fans to promote their products – then earn a commission in return.

Thus, it’s a great affiliate program to consider i.e. if you like their products.

Commission Structure

The commissions varies depending on the network that you’re using to promote this company.

But most affiliates gets paid an average of 2% per sale for most Apple products.

This means that, you’ll earn 2 bucks for every $100 worth of products that you sell – which is pretty low.

But the beauty part is that, most Apple products are quite expensive – thus, you’ll earn significant amounts if you sell high value items.

It's normal for most tech companies to pay such low commission rates – because they incur more overhead costs related to manufacturing, shipping, inventory, etc.

For this reason, they can’t afford to pay high commission rates – since this will lead to losses on their part.

But if you promote softwares and digital products, you can earn way more than 2% - because these companies tend to have less overheads.

For this reason, they can afford to pay higher commissions to their affiliates.

How To Become An Affiliate For Apple

As mentioned earlier, Apple runs its affiliate program through various networks.

And if you just search for ‘Apple affiliate program' on Google, you’ll see a bunch of networks that you can potentially join to promote this company.

But l do recommend trying to promote this company directly – and the reason is simple:

If you go via a network, you'll get less commissions – since the network will act like a middleman – which distorts your earnings (though it facilitates both affiliates and companies).

Thus, it's always advisable to try to work with a company directly i.e. email their support and enquire about their direct affiliate program.

But if the worst comes to play, you should then promote it through a network – though you'll get paid less commissions.

How To Promote Apple Products As An Affiliate

The best method by far is through doing product reviews, comparisons, and unboxing videos.

There's a channel called Unbox Therapy which specialises on reviewing tech related gadgets – and that guy is absolutely killing it!

All he does is reviewing newly launched tech gadgets – as well as comparing them to previous models (or even competing products) – and he has managed to attract millions of subscribers by doing so.

The reason why this works is that, when a new smartphone is launched, people will be so curious to know the specs of that new model.

Thus, they'll go on YouTube & search for reviews of that smartphone i.e. before they make their final purchasing decision.

And if they’re satisfied with the review, they end up clicking on the affiliate link of that content creator & they buy using that link – thus, making the affiliate some commissions.

Thus, it's a great method that's proven to work – since there's a lot of people out there who're making money doing this method.

The key is to optimise your videos for SEO – so that you can rank on the top results.

Not only that, but you can also rank your videos on Google i.e. if they're well optimised – thus, allowing you to get some free organic traffic from both Google and YouTube.

Thus, you should definitely try this method if you want to promote Apple products – or even tech gadgets in general.

However, if your videos fails to rank for some reasons, you can then invest in paid ads – so as to boost your rankings.

That way, you’ll leapfrog the whole organic positions – and your videos will jump straight to the top.

You just have to ensure that, the cost of buying traffic is reasonable – so that you can stay profitable.

NB: You can also start a tech review blog if you want to do the blogging method.

It's also a great way to get some traffic and sales – since people are always searching for staff on Google & most of them end up buying through those sites.

But compared to video content, written content is less converting – since people aren’t able to see & comprehend the actual product.

Thus, you just need to keep that in mind before getting started.

But you can leverage both methods i.e. embedding your videos inside your articles & vice versa – so that you can drive traffic from one platform to the other.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much it on Apple affiliate program.

There’s a lot to cover on this topic – but this is just a quick guide on how you can get started with this affiliate program.

Hope it helps some few people out there who're interested in promoting this affiliate program.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any additional questions.


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