This Is Why I Hate Display Ads On My SitešŸ™„

In this post, I will quickly share with you some of the reasons why l hate putting display ads on my sites.

Although display ads are the most common form of monetization for most bloggers & publishers, l personally hate relying on ads for the following reasons:

1. They Donā€™t Yield The Best ROI For My Traffic

ā€˜If someone is willing to pay for your traffic, just know that the person is getting a lot of money from that traffic'.

I know this sounds a bit clichĆ©, but I've found that display ads doesnā€™t yield the best ROI for my traffic ā€“ and I will explain why;

Most ad networks pays an average of 20 bucks per thousand visitors ā€“ which sounds like a lot for most bloggers.

However, you need to get a ton of visitors in order to make significant amounts ā€“ otherwise, the income wont be significant if you're only getting few visitors.

However, I've realized that l can earn a lot more money if I rely on other monetization strategies like affiliate marketing.

For example, if l promote a web hosting company that pays around 100 bucks per signup, l can earn much more money for that same amount of traffic ā€“ rather than just relying on the 20 bucks/1000 visitors.

Thus, l realized that I will be leaving a lot of money on the table i.e. if l only look forward to ad revenue each and every time.

And the sad part is that, if a visitor clicks on an ad of let's say Bluehost, youā€™ll only earn a few pennies for that click i.e. if the ad comes via an ad network.

But if you promote the same company yourself as an affiliate, you'll earn 65 bucks for every signup.

Thus, it's important to always keep that in mind.

2. They Slow My Site's Speed

Truth be told, ads generally slows down the speed of your website.

Although some ad networks promises to give you ā€˜tools' which speeds up your ads, you'll still experience some slower speeds for your site.

The reason being that, ads comes from a third party source ā€“ thus, they take a bit longer to load.

And you know what?

Speed is amongst Google's ranking factors ā€“ meaning, your rankings might be affected when your site has poor load speeds.

Of course, there's other ranking factors that comes into play ā€“ but speed is also a crucial factor.

3. Some Ads Are Just Unethical

Have you ever visited a site & you wonder, WTF am l seeing this ad?

That's very common when you're surfing the web.

The blogger/publisher has less control over what type of ads shows up on his/her site.

Instead, the ad network is the one which tries to understand each visitor's behaviours ā€“ and it tries to show ads that they think are ā€˜relevantā€™ to that user.

The only caveat is that, some of the ads are just unethical ā€“ which might trigger the mood of the visitor.

4. They Might Reduce User Experience

Sometimes, ads might reduce user experience i.e. if they're not properly placed.

If someone comes to your site, he/she is looking for information i.e. through your blog articles.

But if that person is bombarded with ads, he/she might be triggered by that ā€“ thus, the person might not finish reading your content.

Generally speaking, most people just hates ads (by nature) ā€“ thus, if the ads overrides the content, they might leave your website.

5. They Might Lead To High Bounce Rates

Last but not least, ads might lead to high bounce rates.

As mentioned earlier, ads might slow down your site ā€“ and we all know what happens if your site takes too long to load i.e.

People will click away & look for another page on the SERP results.

I also mentioned that, most people generally hates seeing ads ā€“ thus, if people comes to your site & they see a dozen of ads, they might vacate from your site.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 5 main reasons why l hate putting display ads on my sites.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.


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