5 Reasons Why You Should Use HostGator With WordPress!

HostGator For WordPress

In this article, I'II quickly go through 5 main reasons why l think HostGator is a great option for hosting your WordPress site.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

5 Reasons Why HostGator Is A Great Option;

Without further ado, let me dive straight into more detail.

1. Great Uptime

Just like Bluehost, HostGator offers a 99.99% rate of uptime – which is quite great.

This means that, your website will be live & running🏃‍♂️ during most times⏱ of the year📅 – thus, avoiding any inconveniences.

If you host your WordPress site with HostGator, your site will only be down 3 hours (or less) i.e. the entire year – which is quite interesting – since some hosting providers has an 8hr + downtime.

The standard expected rate is 99.95% – thus, HostGator is able to surpass that rate by a significant margin.

Thus, if you have a business website which receives a ton of traffic on a consistent basis, then HostGator might be a great option for you.

2. Decent Speed⚡

As we all know, Google loves💙 fast websites.

Google made it clear that, speed is one of the major ranking📅 factors used to determine your SERP position.

And the biggest mistake which most people make is that, they only focus on image📷 size, page📄 size, themes📜, etc.

Although all these factors affects site's speed, you should also take into account the speed of your hosting provider as well.

Some hosting providers are faster than the others i.e. due to differences in the types of technologies used by each provider.

Most HostGator sites have an average load time⏳ of 2.7 seconds – which is quite decent i.e. considering the expected standard of 3 seconds.

Although it’s not the best in the industry, it’s still able to meet the minimum requirement – which is quite interesting.😁

3. Affordable Plans

There’s no doubt that, HostGator is one of the cheapest options in the industry.

Their starter plan costs $2.75/month – which is quite cheaper i.e. compared to other providers like Siteground.

This is great for beginners who're just getting started – since this price allows anyone to start his/her own website on a shoestring budget.

Although this price sounds great, it’s also important to mention that, the starter plan limits you to only one site – which might be limiting for people with multiple sites.

But if you're a complete beginner, one site is more than enough – since you wont have too much staff to on your play.

4. Offers Security Features🛡

As we all know, websites are now prone to hacking👽 & malware👾 attack – especially in this era.

Stats📊 shows that, more than 50k websites are being hacked every month📆 – which is quite a huge number.

For this reason, you should choose a hosting provider which guarantees the safety of your website.

HostGator offers some security oriented features to its users – so as to protect their websites from any form of external attack.

This comes in the form of encrypt locks🔒 – which is a green lock that’s placed next to your domain.

This helps to protect confidential information on your site – as well as your visitors’ information e.g. passwords, credit card💳 details, etc.

Also, HostGator offers a two step verification feature – which allows you to have a double login process for your site.

This helps to further cement your site's security – as one will have to verify on both PC💻 & mobile📱 device i.e. before getting access to your site.

With the help of SSL certificates – as well as PHP, your site's security is further improved by a significant margin.

5. Beginner Friendly Cpanel

HostGator offers one of the most cleanest interfaces in the industry – which is easy to use & navigate.

You can access most features from this cpanel – since most features are laid out on the dashboard in a more organised fashion.

Thus, you don’t need to stress🤯 about navigating through the cpanel.

But this is common with most EIG softwares (e.g. Bluehost, iPage, Constant Contact, etc.) – since the company tries by all means to keep things simple & straight forward.

Thus, if you're looking for a less complex hosting provider, then HostGator might be a great option for you.


Now that I've mentioned reasons why HostGator is a great option, it will be unfair if l don't inform you about its weakness as well.

Just like any other hosting provider, HostGator also have its own limitations which you might need to analyse i.e. before signing up for this provider.

Firstly, it’s important to note that, its customer support isn't that great i.e. compared to other hosting providers.

They take too long to respond to queries – and in some cases, they only provide half backed responses.

This might be bad news📰 for people who needs special attention for their websites.

Another thing to mention is that, HostGator tries to offer too many upsells.

Their dashboard sometimes looks like a marketplace for selling other products.

For example, if you buy the $2.75 package, you'll be offered some little add-ons which costs few extra bucks.

And if you're not careful, you might end up paying 5 bucks (or more) – since these little add-ons will compound without even noticing.

But this is common with most EIG softwares – since this company tries by all means to maximise $$$ per customer – although they sometimes overdo it.

But if they work on these issues, I'm sure their softwares will become great.

Wrapping Up

So there we go!

These are the 5 reasons why l think HostGator is a great option for your website.

The fact that this hosting provider serves hundreds of thousands of clients proves that, it’s a great company – and more people are switching to this provider on a daily basis.

However, just like any other company, HostGator also has its own loopholes which l discussed towards the end of this article.

If they work on improving these issues, I'm pretty sure they'll surpass most of their competitors.