Can You Rely On Article Spinning Softwares For Content Creation?

Due to technological advancements, there has been development of AI softwares – which are designed to help with content creation.

These are aimed at making the content creation process much easier – since these tools are designed to create more content in less time.

But the biggest question is;

‘Are these tools good for your business?’

In my opinion, article spinners (AI softwares) should only be used for simple landing page content, email swipes, or maybe sales copy content.

However, you shouldn't rely on them for creating blog content due to the following reasons;

(i) Most AI Content Doesn't Rank On Google

Truth be told; most content that is produced using spinning softwares does not rank on Google.

The reason being that, Google is smart enough to differentiate between AI content & human content.

Thus, they try by all means to rank human content over AI content.

Thus, if you want to create SEO content, then article spinners/AI softwares might not be the best tools to use.

(ii) Most Of The Content Sounds Robotic

Another reason why you shouldn't rely on article spinners is that, most of their content sounds less human – and more robotic.

The truth is, most AI tools aren't able to produce content in human voice – thus, you can easily recognise AI content as soon as you read it.

And you know what?

Most people will click from your page if they realize that the content isn't engaging – because robotic content is not interesting to read at all.

Thus, if you're creating content for real people, then AI tools are not the best option for you.

(iii) Not Ideal For Creating Long Form Content

Another reason why article spinners are not great is that, they can't produce long form content of 3500+ words.

Most AI tools have a cap of around 500 words – meaning, you'll only be able to produce articles within that range.

But as we all know, length is also a major ranking factor.

This means that, you wont be able to rank those tiny 500 word articles – since they're regarded as ‘thin content' by Google.

Thus, if you want to create long form content that ranks on Google, then you need to forget about these so called AI tools/article spinners.

(iv) They ‘Steal' Existing Content From Other Websites – Which Is Unethical

Truth be told, most AI softwares ‘steals' content from other websites – and they just paraphrase it to make it look like new content.

But as we all know, Google likes original content i.e. which is first hand – rather than spun content.

Thus, if you're using AI tools, you wont be able to come up with new/original content – because these tools only steals existing content from other websites.

Imagine, you spend hours and hours creating content – then someone comes and steals that content.

How would you feel?

That's the same with article spinning softwares.

They’re lazy enough to take other people's hard written content – which is just unethical.

Wrapping Up

So should you use AI softwares or article spinners for content creation?

In my opinion, you should only use these tools for non SEO content e.g. landing page content, sales page content, email swipes, etc. – but be sure to edit the content so that it makes more sense.

But if you want to create blog articles, then you shouldn't use these tools – since AI content doesn't rank in most cases.

You should just write blog articles by yourself, or even hire freelance writers – so as to avoid unnecessary disappointments.


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