How To Prime Yourself For Success (Mind-set Re-programming & Habit Transformation)

Mind-set To Success

In this post, I'll share with you some of the best strategies that you can use to prime yourself for success.😎

Using these strategies, you can reprogram your mind, as well as transform your habits – so that you can set yourself up for success.

So read till the end if you're interested in learning more about this topic.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump🏃‍♂️ straight into more detail.

“Before l give you some advice, can you show me your list🗒 of goals – then we start from there”. – said one of my mentors🕴.

“I don't have a list of goals”. – l responded.

“That's where the biggest problem is. How can you work towards something if you don't have a blueprint📜 that guides you”. – He asked

That's when l started to realise the importance of setting goals.

You need to set your short & long term goals i.e. what do you want to achieve by which date?💁‍♂️

This allows you to focus your time⏱ & energy💪 towards achieving those goals – since you'll know exactly what you're working for.

Also, this help to come up with a roadmap/blueprint – which guides you towards chasing your goals.

You should write down📝 your goals and place them where you can easily see👀 them – so that you'll always be reminded of what you want to accomplish.

I always recommend writing them using pen🖊 & paper📄 – because there's something real about pen & paper.

Everyday, you'll wake up with a ‘spring in the foot’ – knowing exactly what you’re working for – unlike someone who's just drifting i.e. going anywhere where life forces him/her to go.😬

Even if you fail to achieve those goals, it's fine – because in that process, you'll be able to learn a lot of new things – and you can use that knowledge📚 to produce better results in the future.

Now, let me mention this real quick:

Although it’s exciting😁 to achieve your goals, what's more exciting is the self pride which comes in knowing that, you've worked hard for those accomplishments i.e. you overcame a lot of obstacles & adversities – until you reached success.

But for me, what's more fulfilling is the person who I’ve become & the number of lives that I've touched (through my content) – and you can't put a dollar💲 amount on that!

The process of setting goals forces you to grow (personal development) – through going out of your comfort zone and acquire new skills👨‍🔧 & knowledge📚 i.e. in order to become a better person who's capable of going through the process.

2. Visualisation☺

Another important thing is to visualise your goals or dream life.

Everyday, you must have some time to sit down🛋, play relaxing music🎧, and visualise your goals coming to reality☺.

If you do this whole heartedly❤, it will develop a certain emotion in your mind & body – thus, pushing you to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

This will strengthen💪 your WHY – thus, you'll always be reminded of your goals even if you feel like quitting.

Obviously, visualisation is just one part of the equation.

And if it’s accompanied by massive action, you'll develop huge determination – thus, pushing you to work even more harder.😬

3. Surround Yourself With Positive People👭

Another key principle of success is to surround yourself with great minds😇 i.e. people who forces you to grow (success breeds success).

Research shows that, the people whom you spend most time with determines what you accomplish.

If you surround yourself with drug addicts🧟‍♂️, chances are that you'll become one of them i.e. if you stay in that circle.

Thus, you should be very careful of who you surround yourself with – since this has a huge impact on your life.

Try by all means to surround yourself with great minded people i.e. most times.

When l say great minded people, l don't mean that you should try to reach people like Elon Mask or Mark Zuckerberg – since these people are difficult to reach.

Instead, you should find some positive people within your reach i.e. who’re also pursuing their dreams.

If you can't find them in your local area – no problem! You can take advantage of online communities i.e. Forums & Facebook groups – where like minded people gather & share ideas.

l usually spend most of my spare time⏱ in ClickFunnels Avengers (Facebook Group) – since it’s a community of online entrepreneurs – and most people in that group are go-getters.

I've learned📚 so much from this group – since there's a ton of great ideas that're shared in that group.

Even the great author; Napoleon Hill explained about the importance of masterminds in his best selling book – Think and Grow Rich.

Thus, you should always be careful of your circles.

4. Read Self Development Books📚

Most successful people whom l know invest in their minds😇 i.e. through reading self development books.

People like Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, etc. – dedicate a portion of their time to reading📖 – so as to keep expanding their knowledge.

As the billionaire Warren Buffet said; ‘the more you learn, the more you earn'.

The truth is, there's so much information that you don't know – since formal education is designed to give you an ‘employee mind-set’ – rather than the ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’.

But in order to rewire your brain, you need to read self improvement books – so as to reprogram your brain i.e. from the employee mind-set to the entrepreneurial mind-set.

Also, these books allows you to consume some of the greatest ideas from some of the most successful people in history – and this will open your mind even more.

In the past, I used to procrastinate when it came to reading – because l used to view it as a waste of time🚮.

But after reading some few great books like Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think & Grow Rich, Millionaire Fastlane, etc., I developed a reading habit – since l discovered that, l can learn so much from these books than what l learnt throughout my entire ‘schooling period'.

And if you don't like reading physical books📘, you can utilise audiobooks🔊 – thus, allowing you to listen to books whilst doing other things.

5. Expose Yourself To Better Lifestyles🏖

Last but not least, you must expose yourself to better lifestyles.

‘If you're in a bubble, you wont know what's outside the bubble until you step out'.

For example, if you were born & raised in the ghetto, you wont be able to know about exotic cars🚘 and nice mansions🏯 – because that's rare to find in the hood.

Everyone around you will be living a mediocre lifestyle, and this will look normal to you since you wont have anything to compare to.

But if you go out of your comfort zone, you'll be exposed to different lifestyles – thus, you'll be motivated to work harder in order to live a better life.

For me, l thought following the traditional route was the only way to live – since everyone around me was following the model of; go to school📚, get good grades📃, get a good job👨‍💼, rent a small crib🏡 – and hopefully, build your own house🏠 towards retirement👴.

To me, that was normal because l was trapped in that bubble.

But when l saw some ‘rich kids' on social media, my eyes were opened👀 – since it showed me what's possible i.e. even at a young age.

Also, l had no exposure to online based businesses – since most ‘ghetto entrepreneurs’ specialise on staff like tuck-shops, small food canteens, small-scale gas filling stalls, etc. – and these businesses are difficult to scale.😬

But when l got exposed to internet based businesses, l was able to learn about drop shipping, affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA, etc. – and these businesses don't have geographic limits🌍. (highly scalable)

Thus, exposure is key🔑 if you want to become successful – because it allows you to see different kinds of lifestyles.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post – since I've tried by all means to explain each of these factors in a more simplistic way.🙂

If you adopt these strategies, you can prime yourself for success – thus, allowing you to go beyond the norm.


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