How To Create A Sporting News Website

How To Create A Sporting News Website

In this blog post, l will quickly share with you how to create and run your own sporting news website – so that you can create yours on your own ASAP!

Thus, read till the very end if you're interested in this topic.

Steps Involved

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Come Up With A Name For Your Site

As obvious as it sounds, l felt like it was necessary just to say it.

I’m sure most people reading this post already have a rough name in mind – but if you don't, then you need to think of one ASAP!

There’s bazillion sporting news websites on the web – but what differentiates them is their names.

Thus, you also need to figure out a nice-unique name for your site – which is easy to remember & pronounce.

2. Sign Up For Web Hosting

Assuming that you've come up with a name for your site, it's now high time to sign up for web hosting.

This allows your website's name to get registered on the internet – so that it becomes findable on Google & other search engines.

Thus, it's so important to take this step!

Now, you might be asking, ‘how can l get started with this process?’

There are various companies that facilitates this process i.e. web hosting companies which specialises in this industry.

But my favourite one is called GreenGeeks.

GreenGeeks allows you to register your domain name for as little as $2.95/month – which is quite affordable for most people.

For such a low price, you can get some explicit features that are all designed to enhance the performance of your website.

They also offer some security oriented features – which are designed to protect your website from malware and hackers.

Thus, it's the best when it comes to web hosting (at least in my opinion).

3. Install WordPress

Assuming that you've signed up for hosting, it's now time to install WordPress.

WordPress is an app that's used for creating & designing websites – and it's the best when it comes to this industry.

The most interesting part is that, it comes with GreenGeeks i.e. when you buy your domain, you’ll get free access to WordPress.

All you need to do is to install this app via your GreenGeeks dashboard i.e. as soon as you log into your GreenGeeks interface.

This process takes literally few minutes to complete – and you don't need to be a tech savvy in order to get started.

4. Choose A Theme

Once you've installed WordPress, you should pick a theme for your website.

This determines how your final website will look like – although you can always change your theme in the future.

WordPress comes with a lot of themes (both free & paid) – thus, you have a variety of options to choose from.

Simply scroll through the templates section – so as to get a glimpse of how each one looks like.

And once you find the one that's more appealing to you, simply choose it – and use it for your website.

5. Start Designing Your Website

Assuming that you've found a nice theme, it's now time to start designing your website.

In order to get started, simply install a plugin called Elementor (it's found inside your WordPress dashboard).

This plugin helps to turn your website into a drag and drop interface – thus, making it easier to design your site.

Once you install it, simply drag and drop elements like text & images i.e. based on your personal preferences.

You can also leverage the existing default designs that comes with the themes i.e. through replacing text, images, colours, etc. – and you'll be good to go.

Either way, you can still come up with a great website – even without any prior experience.

You can also look for other existing sporting related websites for inspiration – rather than trying to reinvent the wheel on your own.

YouTube tutorials might also help when you're stuck & confused – since these provides you with a step by step process for creating your website.

Once you're done creating your website, simply publish it – then invite your friends & fam to visit it.

It's also important to sign up for Google Search Console & Google Analytics – so as to request for indexing, as well as for viewing your website data.

How To Monetize A Sporting News Website

(i) Display Ads

This is probably the most common method of monetizing a sporting news website.

In this method, you need to apply for Ad Networks like Ezoic, Google AdSense, Mediavine, etc.

Once you get approved, you'll be given a simple tracking code that you can install on your website.

This code will help to auto generate ads on your website – and when people view or click those ads, you'll earn a certain amount.

The amount varies from one Ad network to the other i.e. Ezoic pays around 20 bucks per every thousand impressions, Mediavine pays more, whilst Google AdSense pays far less.

But keep in mind that, high paying ad networks have strict requirements than low paying ones – thus, you might be forced to start with the low paying ones – then shift towards better ones i.e. as your website gets bigger & better.

(ii) Affiliate Links

Another great way of monetizing your sporting news website is through affiliate links.

This is whereby you find great products related to your content – then you link those products inside your content.

It's a great way to earn passive income because you don't have to worry about product creation, shipping, inventory, customer support, etc.

You only link to already existing products – and you get paid for that.

Thus, you should look into affiliate marketing if you're not familiar with this business model.

(iii) Paid Sponsorships

Last but not least, you can also earn money through paid sponsorships.

This is whereby you get paid a certain amount by a company i.e. for mentioning their products or services in your content.

Unlike affiliate marketing which uses the pay per lead/sale model, sponsorships only pays once i.e. you get paid a flat rate regardless of how much sales you generate.

But it's also a great way of monetizing your content & traffic.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much it regarding the topic of creating & running a sporting website.

Using this guide, you can easily create your own sporting website without any prior experience.


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