The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Adidas Affiliate Program

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Adidas Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

Adidas is probably one of the oldest companies when it comes to sportswear & sneakers.

Despite the emergence of new competitors in recent years, this company has managed to survive the taste of time.

Adidas is well known for its great quality products i.e. ranging from sportswear, sneakers, backpacks, t-shirts, hoodies, etc.

Thus, it's definitely one of those great companies to look out for when it comes to fashion.

But in this article, I want to mainly focus on its affiliate program.

Just like most big brands, Adidas also has its own affiliate program – so as to allow publishers and influencers to monetize their traffic i.e. through recommending their favourite products to them.

Thus, it's definitely a great affiliate program to consider i.e. when you have an audience that's interested in sportswear, sneakers, or any other product that's produced by Adidas.

Commission Structure

For most Adidas products, the commission ranges anywhere between 1 to 10%.

That's the normal range when it comes to most physical products – as most of them pays less commissions.

The reason being that, physical products involve a lot of overhead costs i.e. shipping, inventory, manufacturing, etc. – thus, they have limited profit margins.

Thus, you need to sell high value items if you want to make significant commissions – otherwise, you might struggle to make a full time income when you're sorely focusing on low ticket items.

Or maybe you might need to consider promoting software and digital products – since these tends to pay higher commissions compared to physical products.

The reason is simple;

Most softwares & digital products have low overheads – because they don't involve any shipping, inventory, or any marginal cost of replication.

They're created once, and they can continue to be sold over and over again without incurring any additional costs i.e. they involve a one time upfront cost – and they'll continue to be distributed through a server or system.

Thus, you must keep that in mind when choosing the type of products to promote.

How To Become An Affiliate For Adidas

The Adidas affiliate program is run through VigLink – although there are other great networks that runs its affiliate program.

All you need to do is to visit this platform, search for Adidas affiliate program, then apply to become an affiliate.

You’ll be required to fill-out a form i.e. through providing your best details.

You must try by all means to provide your best details – so as to increase your odds of getting approved.

The reason being that, this company is strict when it comes to approving new affiliates – since they try by all means to eliminate ‘scammy’ affiliates from their network.

And one of the main reasons why most applications gets rejected is the issue of not having a functional website.

Adidas is very strict when it comes to this issue – since they try to ensure that they only approve people with a legit promotional platform – otherwise, those people might end up spamming their links all over the internet.

Thus, it's important to have a website before applying for this affiliate program.

Not only that, but the website should look lived-in i.e. it should have some pieces of content which proves that you're actively working on it.

Thus, you must keep that in mind before applying for this affiliate program – otherwise, you’ll get rejected just like most people.

However, I’ve heard that some people gets approved with only a YouTube channel or social media account that has a decent number of followers.

I’m not so sure about this – so you might need to do your own research to see if it's true.

Once you've submitted your application, you'll be given some feedback in just a matter of few days i.e. informing you about your approval status.

If you're accepted, then congrats – it's now high time to move on to the next step – which is driving traffic to your affiliate links.

If not, then you should try to address the mentioned issues then reapply – since this network highlights exactly why your application was rejected.

How To Promote Adidas Products As An Affiliate

There’s a couple of ways that can be used to promote Adidas products as an affiliate.

If you have a blog, you can write reviews based on the latest products that's new to the market.

The reason why this works is because, when a product is still new to the market, most customers will be searching for it on Google – thus, they end up buying the product through affiliate sites.

On the other hand, there'll be less websites blogging about the product when it's still brand new – thus, there will be less competition for that keyword – allowing you to ‘easily’ rank your content.

Thus, you can utilise this technique in order to rank and get traffic ASAP i.e. when a product is still brand new on the market.

You can also do comparisons of sneakers or sportswear – since people are constantly looking for these comparisons – so that they can know which products are the best for that particular purpose i.e. before they make their final purchasing decisions.

Thus, you can compare different Adidas products within the same category – or you can compare Adidas products with other competitors like Nike.

YouTube also works pretty well – since it allows people to see how the product actually looks like.

Thus, if you're interested in video content, you can shoot videos wearing some Adidas products, upload them to your channel – then recommend those products to your viewers i.e. through inserting affiliate links in the video descriptions.

Or if you want to take things a step further, you can look for influencers who have some decent following i.e. who're interested in sneakers and sportswear.

Once you find them, pitch them i.e. try to negotiate with them to promote your affiliate offers to their audience – and you'll pay them a certain fee.

This is a great way to get traffic & sales fast – since you’ll be leveraging other people's existing audiences.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much everything about Adidas affiliate program.

It's a great affiliate program for people who has an audience centred around sporting – since you can easily recommend various Adidas products to them whilst earning some commissions for it.


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