5 Best ClickBank Alternatives Right Now!

Looking for the best alternatives for ClickBank?

If so, then I got you!

ClickBank does not accept affiliates from other regions like Zimbabwe, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc.

And if you're someone from those countries, you might need to look for other affiliate programs/network – like the ones which I'm going to discuss in this post.

So stay tuned if you wanna find out about these ClickBank alternatives.


This is one of my favourite affiliate networks of all time – since there's a variety of digital products & softwares to promote.

I came across this network back in the day when I used to do launch jacking, and I've been addicted to this network since then.

What I like about this network is that, it has a ton of experienced marketers, who're able to create offers that are highly converting in nature.

Thus, this gives you more bang for your traffic that you refer to those offers.

But more importantly, the affiliate pay-outs are great i.e. usually 50% for most products – which is quite a great deal.

And some of the products have upsells too – meaning, you'll get paid when your referrals decides to purchase the higher end products of the funnel.

And not forgetting that some of the offers are monthly recurring too – which is quite a great deal as well!

Thus, you definitely need to check out this network if you aren't aware of it.

2. WarriorPlus

WarriorPlus is almost similar to JVZoo.

The reason being that, most of the vendors that are on JVZoo are also on WarriorPlus too!

And just like JVZoo, WarriorPlus has a ton of vendors & offers to choose from, and the offers are highly converting in nature as well.

Also pays as high as 50% commissions, which is quite a great deal i.e. compared to other programs like Amazon Associates, which only pays pennies for your traffic.

And what I like about WarriorPlus is that, they don't delay pay-outs i.e. in some cases, you might get paid instantly.

Bear in mind that, other programs/networks pays you 30 (or even 60 days) after the sale has been made, but that's not the case with WarriorPlus.

And you can also decide to launch your own products as a vendor too & get other affiliates to promote them – which is just fantastic. (even JVZoo has this feature as well)

Thus, if you live in a country where ClickBank is not available, you can decide to use WarriorPlus.

3. Digistore

Next on our list is Digistore – though its full name is Digistore24.

It's a great network for digital products and online courses – since there's a ton of them on this platform.

And what I like the most about this network is that, most of its offers are high ticket in nature, as they cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Thus, you can get paid significant amounts – hence, you wont need to make many sales in order to make big amounts.

Thus, if you're someone who likes promoting online courses, then this platform might be ideal for you!

NB: You can also find John Crestani's Super Affiliate System on this platform, which pays close to 500 bucks per sale.

And it's already a famous course in the affiliate marketing space – thus, it's a bit ‘easier’ to market to people.

Another great network is ShareASale.

It's probably one of the oldest networks in the affiliate space, since it has been around for quite a while now.

But unlike ClickBank, ShareASale mainly focuses on physical products.

And you can be able to promote big brands through this network, since it partners with a lot of big companies in the world.

However, keep in mind that this network is a bit strict when it comes to approving new affiliates – since it has a strict approval process.

And one of the main reasons why most affiliates gets rejected is due to the issue of not having a legit website – because they want to ensure that you have a platform to promote their offers.

Thus, if you don't have a website, you should probably build one today – then you publish some few pieces of content on it, so that your website looks active.

Other than that, ShareASale is still a great network to join.

5. CJ

Last but not least, you can decide to join CJ – which was formerly known as Commission Junction.

This network is great for people who likes to promote software related products, since it partners with a lot of software companies.

And the pay-outs are great too – since these companies are willing to pay decent commissions for your traffic.

But what l like the most about this network is that, it also has some pay per lead offers.

This means that, you'll get paid when your referrals makes a specific action like filling out a form or booking a call or whatever call to action required by the vendors.

Thus, you can still get paid even if you don't make sales i.e. provided that your leads are legit – not just some scammy low quality traffic.

But just like ShareASale, CJ is also strict when it comes to the issue of websites – though some people gets approved with only a YouTube channel.

Thus, it's important to have a promotional platform before applying for this network.

Wrapping Up

So that pretty much wraps up our today’s discussion!

These are some of the best alternatives for ClickBank that you can look into.

I hope that you've gained some value from this quick lil post.

Stay blessed!✌


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