Why Gambling/Betting Is Killing Your Life

Why Gambling/Betting Is Killing Your Life

‘I just won $50 from the betting app today' 😁

Yes, you won 50 bucks today – but how much did you lose before winning that 50 bucks?

Gambling/betting is destroying most people's lives i.e. without even realizing it.

But to the person who gambles, he/she wont even realize it – because this thing is very addictive i.e. once you start it, you'll develop some blind folds in your mind – thus, you wont quit it easily.

Let me explain to you why gambling/betting is very toxic to most people's lives in just a few paragraphs.


Most people go for days/weeks/months without winning anything – and when they finally win something, they think that betting is profitable i.e. forgetting that they've lost a lot of money in the past.

For example, if you buy a $1 betting ticket everyday for 90 days without winning anything, you’ll have a total loss of 90 bucks.

But when you finally win something like 10 bucks, you’ll think that it's profitable – forgetting that you've lost 90 bucks before getting that 10.

And you know what most people do when they get a taste of winning?

They gamble again – but this time, with more money.

Their minds will tell them that, they've figured out the ‘secret formula’ – thus, they'll risk a lot bigger – hoping to earn a huge lump some of money.

But guess what happens next?

They lose all the money again – and they go back to square zero.

That’s why you see some people who wins huge amounts from gambling – but then, they go broke again because they lose all of it back to the gambling platform.

And you know what's funny?

The gambling companies knows how to beat you with psychology i.e. they let you win small amounts in order to boost your confidence – and once you have confidence, you'll take bigger risks & you'll lose huge amounts.

That's how these companies makes money.

Plus the losers pays the winners in this industry.

But because the winners are far less than the losers, these companies gets to keep huge profits.

And you wanna know a big secret?

Some people who wins big amounts from gambling stores aren't necessarily real customers.

Instead, they're just part of the company but they just act like normal customers.

But they pretend to win great prizes – knowing that if you see someone winning, you'll be motivated to take the risk as well i.e. hoping to win your own prizes as well.

(🤫Don't tell them that I told you this lol)

But the biggest question is;

‘Why do most people stay in the trap of gambling when they’re aware that it's difficult to win?’

The thing is, there's a part of your brain which tells you that;

‘You can win, give it a try'

For example, if you bet for 5 teams – then your ticket just flops on 1 team, your mind will tell you that, you were so close – just fix ‘this problem' & try again next time.

Then next time, you make another attempt – and the ticket flops again from a slight mistake.

Or in some cases, some matches which looks so obvious might end in unexpected outcomes i.e. when a small team beats a big team.

And because your mind will keep telling you that you're so close to winning, you'll stay in this vicious cycle of trying whilst losing some money.

And when you finally make a small fortune, you'll forget about all the amounts that you've lost in the past – because your mind will be blinded by this activity.

But in reality, most people loses a lot of money whilst gambling.

If you take a pen and paper & you start doing some calculations, that's when you realize that you've been enriching these betting companies all this while.

So what's my advice?

Unfortunately, I can't tell a grown man/woman how to use his/her money – because I’m not the one who gives it to him/her.

But personally, I hate gambling/betting – because I’ve realized that it's toxic.

Also, I've realized that the lives of most gamblers is just stagnant – coz they lose all their income in gambling – thus, leaving them with no money for other developments.

Thus, they’re trapped in the vicious cycle of work hard, get paid, lose the money to gambling platforms – then repeat this cycle again & again for their whole lives.

Or for some people, their lives even gets worse the moment they start engaging in those activities i.e. some people will sell their personal belongings, home furniture, cars – or even get into massive debt i.e. hoping that they'll get greater returns, which will allow them to ‘get rich over night’.

But unfortunately, what happens is the complete opposite of their expectations.


Just to wrap up, gambling/betting isn't good for your life – it's also criticized in the Bible (if you're a Christian).

So try to shun away from such activities – no matter how lucrative those ‘opportunities' might look.


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