4 Reasons Why Most People Who Buys Courses/ Mentorship Programs – Fails To Get Results

4 Reasons Why Most People Who Buys Courses/Mentorship Programs – Fails To Get Results

Have you seen some people who buys course after course – but still fails to make any form of progress?

And you wonder, what's the main reason behind this?

If so, then you need to read this post.

In this article, I will discuss some of the reasons why most people fails to make any progress – even after investing in mentorship programs.

So read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.


Without further ado, let me explain each of them.

1. Unwillingness To Put-In The Required Work

The main reason why most people fails is that, they're not willing to put-in the required work.

The biggest mistake which most people make is that, they think the course will do all the work for them – which is not true.

Instead, courses only provides a blueprint – and it's your duty to implement what you've learned.

For example, if you buy a Blogging course, the course isn't going to create the blog & write articles for you!

Rather, the course will only show you how to do these things – and it will be your duty to apply what you've learned to your own website.

Because if you don't put-in the work, you wont get any results – and you'll walk around blaming the course i.e. it's a scam, they took my money for nothing, etc.

But the real problem might be you – since you're the one not doing the f*cken work.

And when you fail to recognise this, you'll buy course after course – trying to look for the one which will magically bring results to you – instead of taking some time to evaluate yourself.

You should ask yourself;

‘Why do students mentored by the same mentor, same conditions – but get different results?’

It all boils down to implementation – since some students are willing to work more than the others.

My advice is;

You should enrol into a course with the right mind-set i.e. knowing that there's some work involved in the business.

Once you go-in with the right mind-set, you'll get better results.

2. Too Much Info Consumption – But Less Implementation

Another mistake which most people make is that, they try to go through the whole course without taking any action.

People likes the feeling of going through the modules – instead of pausing and implement what they've learned bit by bit.

Because the truth is, there's too much information in courses – and if you try to consume it all at once, you'll suffer from information overload.

That's why you hear people saying staff like, ‘I completed the course but l don't know where to start’.

You'll get a lot of confusion if you try to consume new concepts at once – thus, you should avoid this by all means.

Thus, instead of going through the whole course without taking any action, you must implement as you learn i.e. if you complete a module, you must go and apply what you've learned – before proceeding to the next one.

That way, you wont suffer from info overload.

3. Shiny Object Syndrome

Another reason is the shiny object syndrome.

As humans, we're always looking for the ‘next big opportunity’ – which is bad at times.

For example, if you buy a course – and you're still going through it, you might come across an Ad from Guru X which promises to make you more money.

When you buy that course, you might hear about other great courses as well – and you might be tempted to buy them.

If you're not careful, you might get trapped in this cycle – and you'll remain stagnant.

Thus, instead of moving from course to course, you must buy just 1 course, go through it, implement – so as to give it enough time i.e. to see if it's worth it or not.

Also, sticking to 1 course helps to build something stable over time – rather than just jumping from one course to the other.

4. Maybe The Course Is Crap

At times, it might not be the students' fault.

But rather, the course itself might be crap.

There's a lot of gurus out there who're selling courses just to make some money – rather than actually helping people.

The information sales industry is booming right now – and some ‘gurus' are taking advantage of this to screw desperate people.

We all know that, some gurus aren't practicing what they’re teaching – because they know it doesn't work.

If you dig deep into most gurus, you’ll realise that, they make most of their money from selling courses – more than they make from what they're teaching.

You'll see someone selling a drop shipping course – yet the person never earned a dime from the actual drop shipping business.

And you wonder, what actually are they teaching?

Then you realise that, they just crammed a lot of jargon from the internet – and they started teaching that staff to others.

Thus, before you buy a course, you must find out how the course creator makes most of his/her money i.e. does he/she make more money from doing what he/she's teaching, or he/she makes more money from teaching the staff.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the reasons why most people who buys courses/mentorship programs fails to get results.


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