Experts Secrets (Russell Brunson): Book Summary + Key Takeaways

Expert Secrets (Russell Brunson)

How can you put out your message when there is thousands of other people out there who're in the same craft as yours?

That's what this book will answer for you!

Experts Secrets was written by Russell Brunson (ClickFunnels Founder) and he shared some of the best strategies used by ‘experts' to put their message or offers out there.

The biggest myth which is holding most people back is that they believe you must be a ‘perfect' being who knows everything in your industry.

They think that you must be a ‘guru' in order to out your message out there in the real world so that people will believe you.

But that's not true at all.

An ‘expert' is just a verge word which is used to describe someone who has advanced knowledge in a particular field.

But that doesn't mean that you must know everything in order to become an expert.

And believe me, most of the so called ‘gurus' do not have all the knowledge in their respective crafts.

But its just that they know how to apply some simple concepts which lm going to share with you in this post.

Some of them includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these points.

1. To Progress Is To Teach

As human beings, we always think that we must always learn non-stop through reading books, attending seminars, taking courses, etc.

Although this all sounds good, the truth is that there's a tipping point where we feel like we have mastered most of the staff that we need to know.

Its like going to the gym whereby you see some great results in the first few years then you reach a point where your body is no longer progressing i.e. building muscles, building six pack, or even losing weight.

That's the same concept which happens with learning.

But how can you continue to expand your knowledge when you feel like you've mastered most of the staff that you need to know?

That's where the concept of teaching comes into play!

This is whereby you shift from being a CONSUMER to becoming a PRODUCER of content.

Instead of watching countless number of YouTube videos or reading countless blogs, you can then start to share what you have learned through all the content which you consumed in the past.

Most people thinks that they don't have enough knowledge to share with other people.

But that’s just a myth!

The little knowledge that you have can help someone who is looking for that same exact knowledge.

The whole idea behind teaching is that you must be one chapter ahead of other people. SIMPLE!

2. Attractive Character

Another key takeaway from Experts is the concept of being an attractive character.

In order to become an ‘expert', you must be someone who is attractive so that people can pay attention to you.

When l say ‘attractive', l don't mean being physically attractive or something along these lines.

But all lm saying is that you must have a realistic character which most people relates to.

Most people try to be ‘perfect' all the time but the truth is, no one can relate to you if you're a perfect being.

I always see people trying to live a fake life on social media so as to make other people believe that they're living the ‘dream life'.

Although this all sounds cool, there wont be much people who will believe in you since you'll be a boring person which no one can relate to.

3. The Art Of Story Telling

Story telling is the most powerful weapon when you want to sell products online.

This is so because people relates to stories since they might be experiencing similar issues in their own lives.

For example, you might be someone who used to be overweight but you eventually managed to lose some significant amounts of weight;

Or maybe you might be someone who used to be broke, struggling with college debt, living in your mom's basement etc but you eventually managed to escape that situation.

I think you get the idea here!

If you share your story, people will pay attention to you since they may relate to your story.

And stories have a certain emotion which they come with hence people will be attracted to you and your story.

Ok, so now you've shared your story, how can you shift people from being just story listeners to becoming real buyers of your offers?

That's where the concept of epiphany bridge comes into play.

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4. Figure Out Your Epiphany

After hearing your story, people will be so eager to know how you managed to escape that bad situation in order to become successful or just a better person in general.

That's when Russell shared about the concept of epiphany bridge.

The whole idea is to show people what helped you to overcome your bad situation in order to cross to the other side of life.

Using the weight loss example, you can share your story about how you used to be obese, shapeless, unhealthy, etc.

After hearing this story, people will be so curious to know how you managed to become better in shape.

That's when you present your epiphany bridge to those people; which might be an affiliate offer or your own product.

Since people will be resonating with your story, they will naturally buy your recommendation since they will be inspired by your story.

Thus, they will buy your offer so that they can become in better shape as you.

Another great example which most of you might all know is this guy, Tai Lopez.

Tai Lopez - In my garage

If you've been using YouTube for quite some time, lm sure you've come across this ad multiple times.

“Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini”

He was basically sharing his story of how he went from being broke, $47 in his bank account, sleeping on a couch in a mobile home, etc.

He then shared his epiphany bridge which helped him to move from that bad situation to becoming successful i.e.

“I bumped into a mentor, and another mentor, and another mentor. All these mentors taught me some tips and strategies which lm willing to share with you in my course".

And because most people relates to his story, they’re motivated to buy his course since they want to become as successful as Tai Lopez.

The whole idea behind the epiphany bridge is;

That's when..........


That’s when l found a mentor.

That's when l discovered product X.

That's when l discovered strategy Y.

5. The 3 Main Markets

In this book, Russell also shares some of the 3 best markets which you need to focus on if you want to become successful.

This is key to success since the type of market that you serve will determine your level of success.

Obviously, you don’t want to be in poor markets where there's no buyer audience.

You must choose a market which most people cares about

For example, most people are concerned about their financial being (wealth market).

People also care about their body shape or diet (health market), as well as their relationships with their loved ones (relationship market).

Thus, you must try to serve any of these markets since most people cares about these topics.

Thus, the 3 main markets are wealth, health, and relationships.

6. Blue Ocean Vs Red Ocean

After you decide on your ideal market, you must try to create a sub niche within that market.

The reason being that these main markets might be very competitive to the extent that you might struggle to put your offers in the market.

That's when Russell explained the concept of Blue Ocean vs Red Ocean.

Red ocean is basically the main stream market where everyone is trying to compete i.e. all the big sharks are in this market.

But you should find a blue ocean, which is untapped and less competitive in nature.

In this case, it will be much easier to get your message out there.

For example, if you try to target the whole health market, you might struggle to put your offers out there.

But if you create your own sub niche, you will get some traction since it will be less competitive e.g. nutrition for elderly women (very specific).

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7. Prolific Index

Profilic Index

Its almost similar to the concept of creating a sub niche.

Its basically a concept of deviating from the main stream but at the same time not trying to go to the extreme ends of the spectrum.

You must find a sweet spot which is in-between the main stream market and the extreme ends of the market.

The main market is very competitive i.e. red ocean, whilst the crazy sides are extreme ends where there's no customers.

Thus, you must be in-between the main stream and the crazy far ends.

8. Throw Rocks At Enemies (Us Vs Them)

Russell also explained the concept of throwing rocks at enemies in order to gain trust with your target audience.

This is so because your target audience might have tried other offers which are similar to what you're trying to offer but they failed to yield their desired results.

For this reason, they might be sceptical to try other similar offers since they might have developed some negative false beliefs around those offers.

But in order to break their limiting beliefs, you need to throw rocks at competitors so that your audience may feel like you’re better than your competitors.

Let's say that you're selling a make money online course, there is a highly likelihood that some of your target audience may have bought some bad courses in the past thus, they might have developed negative beliefs around online courses due to those past experiences.

But in order to break those false beliefs, you can say something like;

‘A lot of gurus teaches staff which they don't even apply in their own businesses. They make you watch a bunch of pre-recorded videos which are outdated and they don't even care about your success'

Right there is a good example of throwing rocks at enemies.

Now your unique selling proposition will be something like;

‘I teach you strategies which lm currently using in my own business on a day to day basis. I teach through live videos and lm willing to grab you by the hand to take you from where you are to where you want to be'.

Because you have thrown rocks at their enemies, people will likely try out your ‘opportunity’ since you will be promising them better conditions than alternative offers.

9. Create New Offers Rather Than Improvement Offers

Basically, try to offer something unique from what already exists in your market.

The reason why Elon Mask became successful is that he introduced something that was not previously available in the market (electric cars).

The same applies to the founders of Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, etc – they all created something unique thus they were able to make billions of dollars in their respective crafts.

I’m not saying that you must create the next Uber or the next abnb because these are just extremes.

But all lm saying is that try to create something unique which is different from what is being offered by everyone else in your industry.

In this case, it will be much easier to put your offers out there due to less competition.

10. Give Your Best Staff Away For Free

Most people always say;

‘What will l sell in my paid course if l give all my best information away for free'.

The truth is, you will always find something to sell in your paid programs – believe me on that!

If you give great valuable information for free, people will know, like, and trust you.

As a result, they will be more than willing to take out their credit cards in order to access your premium products.

That's human nature. Its called reciprocity.

People always feel like they need to pay you something if you give so much value for free.

For example, there's a guy called Franklin Hatchett on YouTube who gives away free valuable information through his videos.

For this reason, people are more than willing to buy his paid courses since they are so eager to learn more from him.

Another good example is a young man called Daniel Umeh on YouTube (Daniels Hustle YouTube channel).

This young man gives so much value through his content and he probably give away helpful content which most gurus charge thousands of dollars.

And to be more specific, l was able to create this website through one of his free YouTube tutorials which he uploaded towards end of 2020.

Besides, l have learned so much tips from his free videos and l use some of these tips on a daily basis to grow my business.

And when this guy launches a paid course, l will be so eager to buy his course since l believe that his content is helpful.

Thus, always try to give FREE, VALUABLE & CONSISTENT content!

11. The Stack Slide

If you follow Russell Brunson, lm sure you know that this guy is the master of creating irresistible offers.

This is so because irresistible offers are a powerful weapon of persuading more people to buy from you.

People will feel like they're getting more value for less money if you know how to stack your offers.

For example, let's say that you're selling a $297 product, you can organise some bonuses that are worth way more than the price of the primary product.

All you need to do is to place some monetary values on each of those bonuses and you tell people that they will get all these extra bonuses for free if they buy your product.

This strategy helps to increase your conversions like crazy since most consumers likes to get more value for less money.

12. The Perfect Webinar Model

If you're selling high ticket items, then sales webinars are the way to go.

This is so because high ticket items which costs thousands of dollars are difficult to sell with just a click of a button.

Thus, you'll need a sales webinar in order to persuade people to buy your offer.

In this book, Russell shares some of the strategies which he uses to get more sales through webinar based selling.

He also shares some script ideas which you can model in creating your own webinars.

He also talks about automated webinars vs live webinars so that you can know where to apply each of these.

Thus, its definitely a life changing chapter for people who are keen to learn about webinar based selling.

Wrapping Up

So ladies and gentlemen, this wraps up the summary of the book – Experts Secrets by Russell Brunson.

Its a life changing book that is worth reading since it is packed with so much valuable and actionable tips.

You can get this book for free through the link below.

All you need to do is to cover a small shipping cost so that the book can be delivered to your geo location.

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