Introduction To Video Marketing: How To Get Started For Beginners

Introduction To Video Marketing: How To Get Started For Beginners

There's no doubt that video content is getting a lot of traction right now i.e. compared to written content.

The reason being that, video content is easier to digest & understand – thus, most people are now preferring to watch videos – than to read a 2000 word blog article.

Thus, you need to tap into video content ASAP i.e. if you haven't already.

In this post, l will quickly share with you how you can get started with video marketing as a complete beginner – so that you can adopt this marketing strategy for your business.

But before we get into much detail, let's first define what video marketing is.

What Is Video Marketing?

In simple terms, it is a form of marketing whereby you utilise video content to reach your customers.

Stats shows that, video content receives more engagement compared to other forms of content – thus, it's high converting in nature.

Also, video content is easier to consume & digest for most people – thus, customers can easily understand your message through visual & audio.

In recent years, most businesses have been shifting to video content – since they realised that it brings the best ROI for their efforts i.e. compared to written content.

And you know what's crazy?

There's less competition in video content – since most people are afraid to film videos due to their own insecurities.

For this reason, they prefer to hide behind a keyboard whilst typing some blog articles – since they prefer to remain behind the scenes.

Thus, if you tap into video, you'll most likely stand out from the crowd – since there's less competition in the video space.

And most importantly, videos allows you to connect with your customers much better – since they'll be able to see your face & also, observe your personality.

Why You Should Consider Video Marketing

Now that we've defined video marketing, let's quickly discuss why you should consider it as a business owner.

As mentioned earlier, video content converts much better than any other type of content – since videos are easier to digest for most people i.e. a video is worth a million words.

Thus, you can get better conversions if you utilise video content – as compared to someone who sorely rely on written content.

Also, there's less competition in the video space – since most people are afraid to get in front of the camera for various reasons.

Thus, you can take advantage of this i.e. if you're someone who's confident in front of the camera.

You can also make videos without showing your face i.e. using tools like Doodly, Vidnami, InVideo, etc. – thus, you wont have to get in front of the camera.

Video content also allows you to connect with your audience much better – since people will get to see your face.

People prefers to work with real humans – thus, they'll be much confident in doing business with you i.e. if they see your face.

NB: These are just some of the few reasons why you need to tap into video marketing.

But for the sake of progress, let's quickly move to how to get started.

How To Get Started With Video Marketing

Now that we've covered the basics of video marketing, let's quickly discuss how you can get started with this form of marketing.

(i) Choose A Niche

As always, it's important to define your niche from the onset – so that you'll know exactly who your target audience is.

This is so important because it gives you a clear direction on how you're going to reach your clients – since you'll have a clear picture in mind of who your target customer is.

The key is to choose a niche that's related to your products or services – rather than just trying to go for a niche just for the sake of its ‘fame'.

(ii) Choose A Platform

Assuming that you've figured out your niche, you should choose a platform that you want to utilise to reach your target audience.

Obviously, YouTube is the best platform when it comes to video content – and this platform receives a ton of free organic traffic on a daily basis.

Thus, you should create a YouTube channel for your business (if you haven't already) – so that you can take advantage of this free traffic.

You can also tap into TikTok – since this platform is also booming right now.

Most people thinks that TikTok is just a flexing platform for funny dancing videos – but they don't know that you can do business on this platform.

I have some few friends who're killing it right now on TikTok – since they've figured out how the platform works – and they've used that knowledge to their own advantage.

You can also do some livestreams on Facebook or Instagram – since these platforms also receives a ton of free organic traffic.

NB: Don't choose too many platforms at once – because you wont be able to serve them all at once.

Instead, choose one or two platforms & you focus your attention on those two only.

(iii) Find Content Topics Related To Your Niche

Assuming that you've chosen a platform, it's now high time to find content topics related to your niche.

This allows you to create targeted content that's specifically targeted for those people – and they'll most likely find your content organically i.e. when they're looking for answers.

There's various tools out there which gives you data based on what people are searching for or what's trending – thus, you just have to leverage those tools to your own advantage.

(iv) Create A Publishing Schedule

Once you've a handful of topics, it's now high time to come-up with a publishing schedule i.e. what do you intend to publish & on which date.

This is so important because it helps to keep you on track – since you'll know exactly what you need to work on during some specific days.

If it's YouTube, you'll know exactly what video(s) you're suppose to film during that particular day – as well as the exact time which that video needs to be uploaded.

Without a schedule, you might waste time doing unnecessary things that doesn't bring much value to your business.

(v) Execute

Assuming that you now have a clear publishing schedule, it's now high time to execute.

You should be disciplined enough to show up for your grind i.e. weather you're in the mood or not – just show up on the allocated times.

And if you show up for a long period of time, you’ll start to see the fruits of your labour come to fruition.

Two videos per week might not seem like a lot in the short run – but over time, those videos will add up & you'll start to see some compounding effects.

Wrapping Up

So that’s pretty much everything on the topic of video marketing.

Obviously, there's more to discuss about this tropic since it's too broad.

But l just decided to give you just the basics – so that you can get a clue on how to get started.


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