How To Leverage CBSnooper To Make More Commissions On ClickBank

How To Leverage CBSnooper To Make More Commissions On ClickBank

If you're a ClickBank affiliate, you should try by all means to utilise a tool called CBSnooper.

If you're not familiar with this tool, it's basically a product analyser tool – which shows metrics related to gravity, conversion rate, velocity, etc.

And this data is so important i.e. if you know how to use it.

But the key question is;

‘How can someone like you use this tool to make more commissions on ClickBank?’

It's quite simple than you think.

Simply log into this tool & analyse these metrics for each of your target offers i.e.

(i) Gravity

This refers to the number of affiliates who're actually making money whilst promoting that specific offer.

High gravity indicates that, there's more affiliates who're making money with that offer – thus, it'll be worth promoting.

On the flip side, low gravity indicates that, there's only a few affiliates who're making commissions from that offer – thus, you should stay away from those type of offers.

(ii) Conversion Rate

It refers to the number of people who turns into actual buyers – as a percentage of the total number of visitors who visits the sales page.

High conversion rate indicates that, the offer converts very well – thus, most people who visits the sales page actually turns into buyers.

On the flip side, low conversion rate indicates that, out of all the leads who visits the sales page, only a few of them turns into paying customers.

It's important to look for high converting offers – so that you wont waste your traffic on useless offers.

(iii) Velocity

Basically, it indicates how often people are buying that specific offer i.e. high velocity indicates that the offer is being purchased on a more frequent basis – as opposed to low velocity.

You should try by all means to look for offers with a decent velocity – since this indicates that, the offer is well known in the market.


Once you've found an offer with decent metrics, you should then start promoting that offer i.e. using either free or paid methods.

Free methods are great because they allow you to get some free organic traffic – without having to pay for clicks.

However, the only caveat of free traffic is that, it takes time i.e. months in most cases – because search engines takes time to rank new content.

But if you want some quick traffic, then you should invest into paid ads i.e. Facebook Ads, Google Ads, YouTube Ads, etc.

With paid ads, you'll see results much faster than someone who's sorely relying on organic methods.

But you should first learn how to run these paid ads – otherwise, you might end up flashing your ad budget down the drain.


So that's how you can use a tool like CBSnooper to boost your commissions on ClickBank.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.


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