How To Start An Affiliate Business Whilst Working Full Time

How To Start An Affiliate Business Whilst Working Full Time

Are you considering starting an affiliate business whilst working a full time job💼?

If so, then this article is for you!

In this👇 article, I’ll share with you some of the steps that you can follow in order to set up & run your own affiliate business – whilst you're still working your full time job.

After reading this article, you'll be able to start your own affiliate business i.e. using some of these strategies – and hopefully, you'll be able to replace your full time job with your affiliate income💵.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

The steps includes:

Without further ado, let me jump🏃‍♂️ straight into more detail.

1. Choose A Niche

I always preach this all the time🕛 – because most people usually ignores this step.

It's important to choose a niche from the onset – so that you'll know exactly what to focus on i.e.

Is it weight loss?

Is it tech reviews?

Is it camping or travel?

You should sit down and decide what you want to focus on – otherwise, you might end up trying to serve everyone in the market.

Try to find something that you're passionate about i.e. something that you can do effortlessly without being pushed.

Also, find something that you're knowledgeable about – so that you wont struggle when it comes to content creation.

Last but not least, you should find something that pays ‘much better’ – so that you can get the maximum returns possible for your efforts.

NB: You can always change your niche at a later stage i.e. when you’ve gained some knowledge about other more lucrative niches.

2. Apply For Affiliate Programs

Once you've chosen a niche, it's important to start applying for affiliate programs related to that niche.

This is so important because it gives you access to products & services that you can promote to get commissions.

There's a lot of great affiliate programs out there – you must be willing to do your own research in order to find the best ones related to your niche.

👉I have an article which explains some of the best affiliate programs – and you can read it to learn more.

3. Choose A Platform

Assuming that you now have some affiliate products to promote, it's now high time to choose a promotional platform i.e. where do you intend to promote those offers?

Personally, l prefer to leverage search engines like Google or YouTube – because people are always searching for staff on these platforms – thus, you'll get some free organic traffic to your content.

You can choose to create either a blog or a YouTube channel i.e. depending on whether you enjoy writing or you like recording videos.

Either way, both of these strategies works – you just have to choose the one that fits your personality.

4. Set A Publishing Schedule📋

Assuming you’ve completed the previous steps, it's now high time to set a publishing schedule/content calendar📅.

This is so important because it guides you on what needs to be done & when i.e. you'll be forced to create content even if you don't feel like working.

Try to come up with a schedule that covers 1 month📆 ahead i.e. find topics that you want to work on – then allocate them to specific dates.

And in order to find the topics, you should do some keyword research – so as to get an idea on what people are searching for – so that you can produce content that’s specifically targeted for those searches.

You can also ‘spy’ on your competitors😈 – so as to get an idea on what's working for them – and you produce your own better versions.

Either way, you should be able to come up with a schedule – which clearly shows what you need to work on & on which date.

Now, I'm aware that most people who're reading this👇 post works full time jobs.

If you're one of them, then you need to spare some time for content creation.

For example, if you work from 9 to 5, you can create content for your blog or YouTube channel from maybe 7pm to 10pm – or maybe early mornings🌄 i.e. before you go to work.

Or if you have some off-days like weekends, you can utilise them to create content for your blog/YT channel as well.

Either way, you have to figure out a way of sparing some time for content creation.

Also, keep in mind that, the amount of time & dedication that you put into this grind will determine your level of success i.e. if you treat it like a hobby🕺, you'll get results that matches that level of commitment.

However, if you treat it like a real business🏙, you'll get better results compared to someone who only puts-in 2 hours per week.

The choice is yours to make!💁‍♂️

5. Execute

Assuming that you now have a schedule, it's now high time to execute it🛠.

This is whereby you take things from paper to practice i.e. producing content👨‍💻.

I know that, you might be tired😓 from your regular 9 to 5 work – but you must be disciplined enough to show up for your grind i.e. even when you don't feel like working.

You must be disciplined enough to follow your schedule – otherwise, all the plans will just be useless.

I know it's difficult to commit your time🕛 and energy💪 into something that’s not bringing any immediate returns – but you should understand that you'll be building a real business asset that will bring some long term benefits for you.

It's a temporal sacrifice😬 for a lifetime happiness🤠.

Wrapping Up

So that's basically the blueprint that you can follow i.e. if you want to start an affiliate business whilst working a full time job.

If you follow it, you'll build a great business over time🕛.


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