BigScoots Review: Is It The Best Managed Hosting Provider?

Considering using BigScoots for hosting your website?

But you're still on the fence of deciding whether BigScoots is the ‘perfect' fit for your site or not?

If so, then you have come to the right place.

In this post, l will reveal everything you need to know about BigScoots before signing up for this hosting provider.

I will analyse all the features of this hosting provider so that you can get an idea of what to expect when you signup for this hosting provider.

I will go a step further to weigh the pros and cons of this hosting provider so that you can come up with a better conclusion regarding whether to use this hosting provider or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about BigScoots.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the nitty-gritty of this post.

What Is BigScoots

Bigscoots Logo

Just like any other hosting provider, BigScoots provides managed hosting services for WordPress sites.

BigScoots is headquartered in Chicago (US), and the company has been gaining a lot of foreign clients over the last years.

Most people are not familiar with this hosting provider since this company is still small i.e. it is less popular in the world of hosting.

However, this company has a significant impact in the web hosting space since it has managed to serve a lot of clients around the globe (regardless of its size).

Not only does BigScoots specialise in providing managed hosting solutions, but it is also known as one of the cheapest when it comes to this field.

BigScoots tries by all means to provide affordable managed hosting solutions to business owners hence reducing the ‘cost barriers' involved in managed web hosting.

Enough of this TED talk!

Let’s take a look at its features so that you can get an idea of what to expect when you host your site with BigScoots.

BigScoots Features

1. Uptime

BigScoots sites are characterised by a hooping 99.99% uptime.

If you're not familiar with uptime, it is basically the amount of time which your site is live on the web (expressed as a % of the full year).

High uptime means that your site is guaranteed to be live on the web for most part of the year as opposed to low uptime whereby your site is only live for a limited amount of time.

Looking at BigScoots' level of uptime, l think that it is far much better than most hosting providers since most providers fails to meet the standard 99.95%.

Thus, if you're more concerned about uptime, then BigScoots might be a great option for you.

2. Speed

It’s not a secret that speed is one of Google's main ranking factors.

According to Google, websites that loads faster have high chances of ranking higher than slow websites.

For this reason, you need to host your site with a hosting provider that guarantees decent load times.

With that being said, BigScoots sites loads in under 3 seconds, which is great since the average expected load time is 3s (or less).

Thus, if you want a hosting provider that has reliable speeds, then BigScoots is a great option for you.

3. Security Features

Just like any other hosting provider, BigScoots offers some security oriented tools to its clients so as to protect their sites from external attacks like hacking and malware.

BigScoots offers SSL certificates, PHP, CDN, amongst other security features which are all aimed at enhancing the security of your site.

You can also get an encrypt lock next to your domain in order to protect sensitive information on your site e.g. visitor's emails, passwords, payment details, etc.

Thus, this helps to cement the overall security of your site since websites are now prone to various forms of attacks.

4. Backend

BigScoots provides a clean interface that is easy to use and navigate.

Most of the features are displayed on the main interface, thus you don't need to stress about looking for some hidden functions.

Bear in mind that other hosting providers comes with a complex interface which is difficult to navigate especially if you're a complete beginner.

But with BigScoots, you can learn everything in a matter of few days since the interface is less complex in nature.

5. Site Migration

If you have an existing site which you wish to migrate from another hosting provider, then this feature is for you.

BigScoots makes it easy to migrate your existing site since it comes with some tools that are designed to facilitate this process.

With the help of their technical team, you can easily migrate your site to BigScoots in a matter of few hours.

BigScoots Customer Service

BigScoots offers great customer support via email, call, and live chat.

This allows you to contact the support team at anytime when you experience a problem on your site.

The support is very helpful since they try by all means to keep their clients happy all the time.

Most users of this hosting provider are satisfied with the level of support which is offered by this company since BigScoots responds to customer queries in no time.

Thus, if you face any challenge on your site, you can simply contact their support team and you will get personalised assistance.

BigScoots Pricing

Bigscoots Pricing

BigScoots offers 4 Plans i.e:

55CC - $3.95/month

105CC - $5.95/month

155CC - $8.95/month

Turbo Diesel - $17.95/month

The main difference between these plans is the level of privileges that you get in terms of:

• Number of domains

• SSD storage capacity

• Bandwidth

With the starter plan (55CC), you get access to 1 domain, 1GB of SSD storage, as well as 10GB bandwidth.

This plan is great for beginners who're just getting started but are keen to host a single website on the internet.

With this plan, you can get your business site up and running in no time since you wont need a lot of SSD storage and bandwidth when you're just starting out.

However, you might need to upgrade to higher plans if your business grows in the future since the lowest plan (55CC) might become obsolete for your site as you start to receive a lot of traffic.

Another thing to note is that the number of domains that you need will also determine the plan that you should choose since larger businesses may require more domains than smaller businesses.

For this reason, you might need to go for the 155CC plan, which costs $8.95 per month or the Turbo Diesel plan which costs $17.95/month if you wish to host unlimited domains for your business.

One thing that l like about BigScoots is their billing method since this company is different from other hosting providers.

BigScoots allows you to pay monthly, as opposed to other hosting providers like GreenGeeks which requires you to pay for long term commitment plans like 1 year or even beyond.

Although most hosting providers advertise their plans as ‘monthly plans’, they don’t give you an option to pay for a single month since this is just an advertising technique.

The reality is that you'll pay a huge amount upfront thus making it difficult to shift to another hosting provider in the near future if you feel like switching to another company.

BigScoots Money Back Guarantee

BigScoots gives a generous 45 Day money back guarantee to its customers, which gives you the option to request for a refund if you feel like this hosting provider is not the right fit for you.

You may test out their services during this 45 day period so that you can decide if their services are the right fit for you or not.

If for any reason you feel like BigScoots is not ‘perfect' for your site, you can simply contact their support team and ask for a refund (as long as you're still within the 45 Day refund period).

But from my own observation, l think that the majority of people who tries this hosting provider ends up committing to this company since it offers great services to its clients.

Hence, BigScoots is associated with low refund rates due to its excellent services.

BigScoots Promo Code

BigScoots offers an exclusive discount to customers who buys through partnership links.

The reason being that affiliates are given the privilege to invite their friends to this company and in return, those people will get an exclusive discount for signing up through these affiliate/partnership links.

On the other hand, the affiliate will earn a small commission for those sales even though this does not result in additional cost to the customer.

It’s a win-win situation to both parties since the customers are able to get exclusive discounts for purchasing through these partnership links whilst the affiliate earns a small commission for inviting those customers.

You can use the link below to get an exclusive discount.

BigScoots Pros

• High Uptime

If you have a business website which receives traffic on a regular basis, then you definitely need a hosting provider with decent uptime rates.

If your site has lower uptime rates, your visitors might experience some ‘ERROR' notifications whenever they try to access your site during downtime periods.

This may negatively affect the performance of your business since you might loose a lot of revenue during periods of prolonged downtime.

However, if you choose something like BigScoots, you will get a guaranteed 99.99% uptime rate which is far greater than the standard 99.95%.

This is a great factor to consider if you're a business owner who receives a ton of traffic on a regular basis since you might need to serve your clients on a consistent basis without any technical issues.

• Great Speed

Google made it clear that speed is now a major ranking factor since Google is now concerned with maximising the user experience.

Also, people tend to bounce back from sites that takes forever to load since most people values their time.

For this reason, you must choose a faster hosting solution like BigScoots so as to get guaranteed fast loading speeds for your website.

Another reason why BigScoots sites loads ‘faster’ is that this company provides managed hosting solutions thus websites will not be battling for a limited server space.

This is unlike the case of shared hosting providers whereby dozens of websites are hosted on a single server hence affecting the overall speed of each site.

• Affordable Managed Hosting

BigScoots plans starts from as little as $3.95/month, which is far much cheaper as compared to other hosting providers like Bluehost.

Bear in mind that Bluehost SHARED HOSTING plans starts from almost this price range.

But in the case of BigScoots, you get managed hosting services for the cost of shared hosting options.

If we compare BigScoots to other managed hosting providers like Kinsta and WP Engine, we find that BigScoots does not charge anywhere near the price of these providers since other managed hosting providers charges exorbitant prices.

• Great Customer Support

I cant stress enough how great BigScoots' customer team is.

Their support team is very helpful and they offer personalised assistance to their clients.

This is key when choosing a hosting company since you might face some technical issues on your site thus you might need to get some assistance from an expert.

With BigScoots, you can contact the support at any time via call, email, or live chat and the support is very responsive to their clients.

• Clean Interface

BigScoots' cpanel is very simple in nature since the company tries by all means to eliminate some complex staff from their interface.

You can get access to all the main features of this provider without too much hassle since the features are nicely arranged on the dashboard.

Thus, you can master the cpanel in a matter of few days since it is simple and straight forward in nature.

• Excellent Security Features

BigScoots provides SSL certificates, PHP, as well as CDN tools for your website.

Security oriented features are key these days since they help to protect your site from any form of external attack.

Studies shows that more than 50k websites are being hacked every month due to lack of security.

For this reason, you must choose a hosting provider like BigScoots which offers security features for your site hence minimising chances of external attacks to your site.

BigScoots Cons

• Main Server Located In Chicago

The only con about BigScoots is that their main servers are located in Chicago, US.

This might be a limiting factor if you have an audience located outside the US since your website might fail to perform well in other parts of the world.

But since the company is still growing, l believe that they will install more servers in the future in many parts of the world in order to cope with this issue.

Final Verdict

After testing a lot of hosting providers, l think that BigScoots is amongst the few reliable ones.

The fact that BigScoots is characterised by high uptime rates, great speeds, as well as excellent security features makes this company stand above the rest.

Although this company is less popular, l think that it is one of those ‘underdogs’ that provides great value to the hosting industry.

Thus, l would recommend anyone who is looking for a managed hosting solution to try BigScoots.

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