The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Gucci Affiliate Program

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Gucci Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

Gucci is one of the best brands when it comes to luxurious/designer clothing.

We all know that, its products are very expensive compared to most ordinary clothes – because they've positioned themselves as a top class brand.

For this reason, most rappers, celebrities, influencers, etc. – likes to wear this brand – since it acts as a sign of being ‘rich' i.e. according to ‘society's standards'.

Thus, Gucci is probably one of those labels which symbolises ‘success'.

With that being said, Gucci has its own affiliate program – which allows its loyal fans to promote its products for a commission.

This is a win-win-win situation for all parties – since the company is able to get additional customers through referrals, the affiliate earns some extra income through commissions, whilst the customer is able to get great quality products.

Anyways, enough of this fluff!

Let's take a look at the commission structure of this company – so that you can know exactly what to expect when you join its affiliate program.

Commission Structure

On average, Gucci pays 7% - 8% per sale to its affiliates.

This means that you'll earn anywhere between 7 to 8 bucks for every $100 worth of items that are purchased through your referral link.

This is pretty low compared to other affiliate programs related to software & digital products – since these pays 20% on the low end – or even 50% on the high end.

This means that, you'll have to push for more volumes when you're promoting Gucci products – otherwise, you wont be able to make significant amounts.

But the beauty part is that, most of its products are high value items – meaning, you’ll earn some decent amounts i.e. when you sell items worth thousands.

How To Become A Gucci Affiliate

Gucci's affiliate program is run under the VigLink network.

This means that, you have to join this network i.e. if you aren't a member yet.

Once you join this network, simply go on the search tab – then search for Gucci.

You'll be asked to provide some few details through an online application form.

Try to be as authentic as possible – because this company likes to work with genuine people.

Once you’ve completed the form, simply submit it – and wait for feedback.

And within some few working days, you'll get a response from Gucci's affiliate team – stating the status of your application i.e. denied or approved.

If you're denied, try to address the stated objections – then you reapply.

But if you get approved, then congrats – it's now time to start promoting your links.

How To Promote Gucci Products

There are various methods that you can use to promote Gucci products as an affiliate.

You can start a fashion related blog – then you start producing content related to clothing and fashion.

There’s a ton of people who're searching for fashion related topics on Google – and if you do a good job of writing great articles, you'll get some traffic.

The key is to do some keyword research in order to find what people are searching for i.e. related to fashion.

Once you have the data, write great quality blog posts that addresses people's queries – then you recommend various Gucci products inside your content (where it makes sense).

And over time, your blog will develop some trust and authority in the fashion & clothing space – thus, you'll be able to get more traffic in the future.

You can also start a YouTube channel related to fashion & clothing – then you start uploading videos related to that industry.

I’m pretty sure that you've seen some YouTubers who uploads shopping related videos – then in the video description, they put some affiliate links so that their viewers can check out those products.

That's the same concept here.

You can record some vlogs shopping around some Gucci products – or you can do a closet review i.e. if you already own some few designer pieces.

Then you recommend your viewers to buy those pieces through your links – thus, making you some commissions.

You can also start a social media page related to fashion – then you start posting some pics of cool Gucci items.

Instagram works better because most people these days are spending most of their time on this platform.

The key is to post consistently – so that the algorithm can work in your favour – and over time, you'll be able to build a loyal tribe.

And you know what?

When you start gaining some traction, you'll be able to control eyebrows.

And once you control eyebrows, you can as well influence them to buy products – due to the know, like & trust factor.

Thus, social media is a currency that should be leveraged to make money.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much it regarding the Gucci affiliate program.

You can earn some few extra bucks with this brand – whilst promoting its great designer products.


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