My Favourite Lessons From Gary Vee

Gary Vee lessons

Gary Vee is probably one of the best speakers out there i.e. when it comes to entrepreneurship – and he's the guy who uses the ‘F’ word a lot.

His seminars are attended by a vast majority of people – since he's well known for providing massive value to people.

Not only that, but his free content is also consumed by millions of people every month – since he puts out a lot of free-valuable content on YouTube.

Thus, you definitely need to check out this guy i.e. just to hear what he has to say.

But in this post, l will quickly share with you 5 of my favourite lessons from Gary Vee – just in case, they might help you as well.

So read till the very end if you want to learn more.

1. Stop Complaining & Do The F*cken Work

If you're a fan of Gary Vee, then you probably know that this guy is a huge advocate of hard work, hustle culture, grind, etc.

One of my favourite quotes from him is this one;

‘If you take an off this weekend, then you'll probably have more off days than l had in my entire 20’s – whilst building my dad's liquor business'.

Gary Vee believes that, hard work is key to success i.e. do your best in order to see great results.

He claims to get from home early morning – whilst his family is still sleeping, then he comes back at night – when his family has already slept.

But he also practices some work-life balance i.e. taking some vacations during some months of the year – thus, allowing him to spend some time with his family.

However, let me mention this:

Although the hustle culture sounds cool, l tried it my self & it didn't work out for me.

Because l was constantly getting burned out each and every time – and also, my productivity levels were drastically decreasing.

Thus, I've realised that, l can be more productive if l assign some few hours of serious work during some specific days – rather than trying to work 16 hours every single day.

But for some people, it works for them – and if you can manage to work 16 hours every single day without getting burned out, then you should do it.

But over time, I've realised that it's not about the amount of hours that you work – but it's how much you accomplish within the given time.

2. Be Patient (Think Long Term)

‘Close your eyes for the next 10 years & just focus on the process' – Gary Vee.

One of the main reason why most businesses fail is that, they're built by people who think in 10 day windows, rather than of 10 year windows.

The results;

Most of them quit when they fail to see expected results within a short period of time.

But guess what?

It takes time to build a great business – thus, you should be patient enough to show-up till you reach success.

Building a business is quite different from working a 9 to 5 job – because with a 9 to 5, you get paid from the first month because you'll be trading your time for money.

However, that's not the case with building a business!

With a business, you might spend months (or even years) without getting any results – but once you start getting some results, they'll be exponential.

However, most people won't get to this point of returns – because they give up within a few months i.e. if they fail to get pleasant results.

3. Stop Giving An F About People's Opinions

I like this quote from Gary Vee;

‘Most people stops posting on social media simply because they saw a comment from KBG268 – which says that you look ugly'

That's very true for most people.

Most people gives up on their dreams when they hear some negative comments from other people.

But the truth is, there will always be some negative people in whatever you do – that's just human nature. (Remember the story of the donkey, father & son)

If you listen to people's negative talk, you wont achieve anything in life (unless if it's constructive criticism)

And here's the crazy part;

The most dubious comments online are made by lil teenagers who don't even have a purpose in life – and they just create some fake accounts with funny user names, no profile picture – just to spam negative comments on people's staff.

So if you listen to them, you might quit your big dreams for no reason.

And always remember that, even the big influencers also receives a lot of negative comments each & every day – but they keep pushing forward coz their dreams are bigger than these tiny little obstacles.

4. Stop Seeking For People's Validation

This is also a great lesson that everyone should learn – because this issue affects most people in our society.

Most people are buying things which they don't necessarily need, but they're just buying those items just to seek validation.

It’s funny how some people gets into massive debt so that they can buy a nice Mercedes for themselves – not necessarily because they need it, but because they want to prove their negative friends & family wrong.

And guess what?

You won't get much satisfaction from those items – since those material things wont bring much fulfilment to you.

Instead, they'll just give you some instant pleasure during the first few days – but with time, you wont enjoy those things anymore.

So instead of doing things just for the sake of validation, do things that brings you more fulfilment as an individual.

Because if you keep seeking for validation, you might spend your whole life chasing things that doesn't mean much to you.

And here's the crazy part;

You might even realise that, the people whom you're trying to impress don't even care about your life in the first place. Thus, your efforts might just be useless.

5. Document Your Journey

Last but not least, it's important to document your journey i.e. whether it's your business, personal life, weight loss journey, etc.

This is so important because people likes to see the behind the scenes staff that you do in your business – instead of just seeing the final product.

The reason being that, people connects & resonates much more with you when they see what you do on a daily basis – and they'll become more interested in doing business with you.

Of course, you should blur out some sensitive information that's not suppose to go to the public.

But the rest, try to share it in as much as possible.

That's why you see Gary Vee always walks around with a camera guy – because he wants to show you how he does his things on a daily basis.

For this reason, he was able to build a strong connection with his audience – thus, most people now likes to do business with him.

Wrapping Up

So these are my top lessons from Gary Vee’s teachings.

Let me know in the comments which one is your favourite (even if it's not on this list).


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