Superhero Filming & Editing

  1. Checkpoint 1: First Filming
    1. The person who has all the video files from filming in class should move all the video files from their camera up to this point to their Macbook.
    2. Then only that person should make a folder in their Dropbox called CA SuperHero Clips and create three folders inside this folder called: ACTI, ACTII, & ACTIII. They will then organize all the clips into these folders and log into their dropbox online in order to share the folder permissions with each of their group members according to which act is their act (e.g. share ACTI with Joe and ACTIII with Sue).
    3. Each of the other group member should accept the invitation to the shared dropbox folder and take a screenshot of their video files for their Act that show online. If your group did not film any clips for your Act then just take a screenshot of the empty Act folder shared by your teammate and Post to Posterous. If your group member has not uploaded their clips yet, write a short email reminder to this person, take a screenshot of it, and send it to them and to Posterous as a post and copy the link to the spreadsheet.
    4. During next class all the team members to need to make sure they have accepted the team member's shared dropbox folder with the video files so that they are in their dropbox as well before they start filming during class.
  2. Checkpoint 2: Master Shots
    1. In your group, focus on filming your group's Master Shots & footage for special effects. Try to film something in each group. The person filming should put the files into the dropbox and sort the footage by Act folders. Take a screenshot of some files in your Act folder which is shared in dropbox from the person with the camera. Send the screenshot along with a sentence of what and where you filmed. If your group did not film because people were absent, indicate that and say when you guys are going to film outside of class to make up the class period you missed. This is the only time/scenario you can film outside of class. Post to the spreadsheet.
  3. Checkpoint 3: Effects
    1. Make sure in class you film each person's special effects scenes. Each Act will have one special effect but one will have two since there are a total of four requires special effects in the overall film. Remember, the group member in charge of each Act has to edit that effect. It is important when filming all of the effects below that you preplan it before shooting because you have to place the camera on a desk or tripod and the camera cannot move.
    2. -Jumper Effect - The person warps to another of the screen like the video example or use a action jump cut to a different location (download visual effects)
    3. -Freeze Effect - Person freezes but things and people around the person keep moving (I freeze but Sarah keeps moving) [tutorial]
    4. -Cone Effect - Use two video clips of the same person on the screen at the same time (two of me at the end of the video scolding Sarah)
    5. -Flying - A person flying in the air [tutorial]
    6. After you film it, spend 45min outside of class editing your special effect. If you finish early, work on editing other parts of your film. If for some reason you don't have your special effect, still work on 45min of editing and post that and you will get partial credit. If you do not finish in 45min, do not work more...just post what you finish. Export your AE file as a quicktime to YT and post the link to the spreadsheet.
  4. Checkpoint 4: Edit Two Master Shots
    1. For your superhero film, you will edit and arrange your footage in iMovie and for any special effects you will edit those clips in After Effects and export them and arrange in iMovie. In checkpoint two, you should have already filmed your two Master Shots for each group member. If for some reason you did not, go film it. Edit your two Master Shots and upload them as separate files to your YT and name each in the following format (make sure it is Public):
    2. (Category of Master Shot: Specific Type of Master Shot - Master Shots Film Example)
    3. use one or two words to describe the category of your Master Shot
    4. Example: Conflict: Circling - Master Shots Film Example
    5. Post
    6. When finished uploading the videos to YT, post your YT link next to your name in each of the two columns on this spreadsheet. Then copy the YT links and paste in a new Posterous post; also...copy and paste your part of the Super List that you are responsible for and next to each, write the status of each (finished, need to film, need to edit) and send to Posterous and that link to the spreadsheet. Next class could be your last time to edit so make sure you know which parts are missing.
    7. Bloopers
    8. If you have funny video clips from filming (e.g. mistakes, things went wrong, etc), keep these and give them to the student doing Act III in your group. They will add a few clips later in the editing process.
  5. Checkpoint 5: Last Filming
    1. In class this will be one of your final times to film in class. The student in charge of Act I, make sure they film a few establishing shots and other shots they can use to place at the beginning of your film and can later add the film title and names on these. This student should also make sure they get the animated handwriting names of the other group members that they created earlier in the quarter as a tutorial.
    2. After you are done filming upload the footage immediately to Dropbox before class ends. If your dropbox ever gets full, open up a new Dropbox account or use other means.
    3. Homework: Spend 45min editing your video footage at home in AE and iMovie and while you are working on it, use Screenflow on your Macbook to record your 45min; include the recording of yourself for proof. Be efficient and don't multitask and work on other things. Export your screen recording as a video file to your desktop and I will check it in the future.
    4. Then export your film work from iMovie what you finished and upload to YT and the link to the spreadsheet.
  6. Checkpoint 6: Edit
    1. In class, edit your video footage for your Act. The student in charge of Act I should finish the title and names in the opening footage (example). Others should edit what they need to.
    2. Homework: Work on editing for 45min and record using Screenflow and export it to your desktop. Export your updated film from iMovie to YT and the link to the spreadsheet. Also email the YT link to your group members so they can check over it.

This checkpoint is only for the person who had the video files from filming. If your group did not use your video camera then you do not have to do anything or post anything for this checkpoint at this time.

    1. Project Reminders
        • You have to have your two Master Shots in your Act and you have to film them both (cannot be acting in those scenes)
        • Total running film with everything in it (including bloopers at the end which Act III is making has to be under 5 minutes. Your group will be deducted one point per second for time over.
        • Each member has to include a visual effect ( in their Act.
        • Project extensions are rarely approved and need a four-day prior turn in time
        • If your group turns it in late it is one coupon per person for an extra 24-hours; seniors cannot turn it past 5/25 since their final grades are due
        • Each group member and Act will be graded separately and if one does a poor job in editing or not finishing it will not reflect in the other students' grade
        • Make sure you emphasis humor in the film
      • An emphasis of the project grade is how well you film and use/edit your special effects with the visual effects & sound is not a completion grade for just doing it
  1. Checkpoint 7: Final Edits
    1. Make sure you have read the blue reminders above if you have not already.
    2. In class, edit your video footage for your Act; The student in charge of Act III should work on adding bloopers and credits at the end. Others should edit what they need to. When you are done editing, add the following:
    3. -Add at least two sound effects per Act from:
    4. -Add at least one Background music per Act for appropriate parts from:
    5. Homework: Work on editing for 45min with Screenflow outside of class and send your finished video YT link to one student in CA video who is not in your group and ask them to make a YT comment before this checkpoint's deadline on your video on YT explaining ways to improve it and make sure the storyline makes sense and it is funny
    6. While you are working, record 45min using Screenflow showing your screen and yourself; export it to your desktop. Export your updated film from iMovie to YT and the link to the spreadsheet. Students should share via Dropbox or another way their final video file to their group leader who will import it into their iMovie before they come to class so they will be ready for the group to narrate together.
  2. Checkpoint 8: Narrate
    1. In class, the group leader will have all three Acts in iMovie and the three will narrate the film in iMovie and export and submit to YT and turn in their final film. You do not need to post anything to the checkpoint spreadsheet, just the final project spreadsheet. Follow and complete the
    2. Submit Directions