iMovie Effects

In iMovie, insert a transparent black or white text strip on the bottom of each clip and use the following format (topic in all caps and the type in non-caps). Choose one font color for all of your text on the strips (not black or white). For each separate clip the text should be the same size. You do not need to do this for the opening title and closing credits but you need all of the following topics for all of the clips you use. You may repeat iMovie effects (e.g. video appearance). You can have more than one for a topic on a video clip but just type one.


iMOVIE: saturated video appearance, ANGLE: dutch, SHOT: arc, CUT: progressive, COMP: leadlines (COMP stands for composition)

    1. Clone Yourself
    2. Text title intro, three seconds long (title of your video and your name e.g. "Here Comes Action" by Kimmy with any color or texture background)
    3. Transitions after the text title (previous bullet) and one more before the ending credits
    4. At least one Video effect* to one or more clips (e.g. raster, aged film)
    5. Change at least one video clip's video appearance* (go to video adjustment and modify the exposure, brightness, contrast, & saturation)
    6. Cutaway* (insert and modify the clip adjustment to a manual cutaway fade and adjust the opacity so that you can see both videos together with one on top)
  1. Picture-in-picture
    1. Green screen (download SpinninClips.m4v and insert it anywhere on the first few seconds of the text title or the credits).
    2. Speed (adjust one clip to be slow*, one fast*, and one to be reversed*)
    3. Insert scrolling Credits (who filmed it, actors, editor) and add any appropriate sound effect (e.g. crowd cheering, clapping, etc)
    4. Detach and delete the audio from the original video clips. You can some of the audio if any of them have necessary sound effects (e.g. laughing, crying) or background noise that is needed. Add any sound clip(s) from the iMovie audio library beginning after the title and ending before the credits. Change the volume of the audio clip(s) to 60%.
    • Export the video as the highest quality from iMovie and upload it to your YT and save it as "Title" Shoot Ten by Jonny, caYEAR (e.g.1011)" --Also, upload it to MF picasa. Take a screenshot of the most interesting scene of the video and upload the photo (include the YT player icons at the bottom of the video. In the caption of the video, write your class user name and link. Use this example: By CA8paul13 View at
    • After you post the video to Posterous, number each of the bold words above and write the time (use the format mm:ss 00:21) when it is first shown in the video (type this as a comment beneath your YT video on YT.

Old Student Example (the requirements were different for this video compared to yours)

Class Lessons

Green Screen Example