Shooting Stars

Part A (Backgrounds & Film)

You will create a shooting stars meme. You will not film with anyone and you can simply set up your phone and film it on your own in your house or wherever you feel comfortable.

YISS swimmer example. Mr. Heil example.

Think of a concept and fill out the following to Schoology:

    1. Where you want to film
    2. Describe the scenario or action you will make; try not to do something too random. If you notice famous YT examples, they all use scene scenarios
    3. What background themes do you want to use (e.g. outer space, sky, underwater, etc)

Then search for copyright-free video stock footage and download six video backgrounds you want to use and upload them to a new folder in your Google Drive. You will use about 4-5 seconds of each video clip. Make sure you use strategic video clips that flow well together and plan out how you want to end it.

Then film your video clip and upload it to your Drive folder.