
For the quarter project, agree on a partner to work together so you don't have to do all the work. You will both do half of the song and it is not a group grade in any way; graded completely separate. If you want to do it solo you can but it will be more work. You can work with someone in either CA class but it is easier if they are in the same class and you sit next to him or her. If you would rather create the CA Video dance project instead, let me know.

This year the focus of the typography video will be a journey or story while showing the typography of the song. Below are some examples of this concept and notice how each follows a person or people along according to the song.

Now choose a clean (lyrics and message) song. You may not use a song that was used last year or one that was posted already to this Schoology assignment by a classmate.

On Top of the World

Begin Again

The Man...

Better Place

Duck Story


The Shade