
who should have saved their animation (without narration) in the shared Dropbox folder "AE Animations."


You're finalizing your to-print book and putting together your iBook today. An iPad screen is 1024px x 768.

#1: Whoever put together the to-print book last class will finish that formatting and edit and complete the front covers.

#2: Whoever worked on the covers last class will put together the ibook today.

-Check over the partner spreadsheet to see what edits you need to make.

Group Member #1 to-print book (Word Doc)



Sync your animation page with the corresponding audio for both you and your partner, You can simply open a new AE project and drag your exported video file and the audio into it and render it out again as H.264. Check how big the file size is and make sure it is under 10MB. If it is larger, open in Quicktime and resave it as iPad like the image below. Place the completed video file into the Dropbox folder and call it China Vertical Pan with Narration and China Horizontal Pan with Narration.

Horizontal Front Cover

Have your partner send you the horizontal AI file for the front cover that they made in the last checkpoint and then create the print cover JPG with the following guidelines:

-Download the Front Cover Template (8.5 inches by 6.5 inches) and fill in your information.

-View the cover info for your country; use the correct background and character's clothing.

-Place the blue rectangle in the template on top of your background to use as a clipping mask

-Make sure this image does not say with Jenny and Abby.

Save as 300dpi JPG and upload it to the MF Picasa Album.

In the Word Doc, the first page of this document is the title page--only text. (The cover is a separate submission.) If you mistakenly used pictures on this page, adjust it to look like the example:

Refer here for text specifications

Title page:

Font: Arial

Main title 36

Subtitle 20

Author and illustrators 16

Text pages:

Font: Arial 16

Visually center the text between the top and bottom

Keep the text flush against the left margin

Story text: Make sure you have the text left-aligned, size 16 font Arial.

Picture pages: Expand the pictures so there is no white space showing.

MF Picasa

Upload your group's final book 300dpi JPGs to the MF Picasa Album.


Email your JPG title page and the completed Word Doc template to WordPress and also email it to smheil@gmail.com; use your country as the subject heading. Then save both in the MF shared Dropbox in the folder "Word Doc To Print" and save each as your country name.

iBook #2


Download the iBook template and follow the directions below to change the template.

Front Cover

At the top right click on the Blue Book icon. Delete the template image and drag your vertical image 72dpi into the front cover and change the text information. Do not change "HS Students from Seoul." Show Mr. Heil your front cover and he will show you where you can place the text box for approval on top of the image.

Intro Media

Next class on May 27 you will emailed a video file that a couple of students are making that will introduce the student project story which you will then insert onto this page.

Table of Contents

Add one of your better images with no people to your table of contents. Do not edit any of the text except for the title; later in the directions you will change the table of contents list.


Add all of your vocabulary words to your glossary. Make sure to delete any that are already in the glossary.

First Page

Have your partner send only the narrow illustration strip with your two characters like the image below and insert it in the middle of your first page and change the title and author information to match yours. Don't forget to change "YISS Students" to you and your partner's first and last name.


Drag all the original 72dpi JPG (if it does not look clear then use the 300dpi) pages you've created as well as the two animations (directions below).


Your partner is in charge of adding the narrations to your AE Animations and they should have saved it in the DropBox for you so that you can insert them into the pages. The files should be called Vertical Pan with Narration and Horizontal Pan with Narration. Make sure they are less than 10mb each or we cannot publish your iBook due to file size. When you insert the animations that they fill the page and no white space around the edges including the video). If it does not fill the page well, insert a black rectangle in the background and make it look good like the image below.


Download the narration for your story from the folder. and replace the audio narration on each page except for the animation pages. The audio icon goes in the bottom left corner.


Add the pop-up Vocab words to select pages in the iBook with speech bubbles. The english definition should be first followed with : and the definition. Make sure each vocabulary word or phrase should coincides with the page to which you attach it. To double check this, you can refer to the storyline and see the words in italics at the "bottom" of most pages (above the page-dividing lines).

Animation pages and some smartphone photos and thought bubbles do not have this feature, but most other pages do.

SectionsOn the right side of the screen you will see small previews of each page with titles of each page on the right side of each. Ctrl + click on the title and name each of the iBook sections appropriate short titles that best describe the scene but use the story outline to help you with title names. The first page should be the main title of the book but not the subtitle.

Page Numbers

Make sure no page numbers are showing. If any are, then insert a square the same color as the background and cover it up but don't show the outline of the square.


When finished, go to share > export and export as PDF best quality and save to the shared Dropbox as PDF iBook.


When finished, save it and close it. Then copy the iBook file in your finder and paste to the The Final iBook Final DropBox. Also email the iBook file and PDF file to mark.heil@yisseoul.org & smheil@gmail.com (subject China Final iBook) and to your WordPress.

Do not do:

Open the example for the horizontal (to-print) cover.

Using the horizontal template, crop the background photo, adjust the sizes of the 2 friends, and match the text size and placement to the sample. (Because of space, we will not be including Jenny's and Abby's names on the front covers.)

Save it as a JPEG.

Vertical Front Cover

After saving your horizontal front cover, use that image to create the vertical front cover for the ibook.

Copy the whole image and center it on the vertical template, adjust the text size and placement.