Portrait Cube



To apply the various photography techniques and composition rules learned in class to create a small collection of photography works with a specific subject.


  1. Take all your photographs in portrait size, not landscape, using the highest camera megapixel size on your camera. They should all be of the same theme and you will be making a small box with four main photos that are 6" (height) x 4" (width) photos, which is the standard-size photo.
  2. When you take your photos, take a proof photo of yourself in the photo background you want to take
  3. Post at least 12 of the top pictures for your photo project in your online Picasa gallery; label the photo folder Photo Cube (Rough). Ask two people (whose opinion you value) to critique each of the photos in Picasa and help you narrow down your photos to the top five. In addition to asking your friends, try to ask former students or adults their opinions and have them comment if they can.
  4. Photograph your self-portrait and post at least two different poses with multiple photos from each pose of your portrait photos to your online Picasa gallery in an album named Self-Portrait. Have at least two people comment on them. (This was assigned earlier and you probably already have it completed).
  5. Go on another photo shoot to get additional or better photos that you may need. Photographers can always improve their photos; use the comments and suggestions. Add the photos to your Photo Cube (Rough) album.
  6. Choose the top 12 photos and create a video slideshow with iPhoto in class (or another program e.g.Windows Movie Maker). Add music and a title slide and upload it to your YouTube account (save as Photo Cube by Your Name caYEAR (e.g. 1011). Example
  7. After considering comments from others and the teacher, decide on your top four topic photos and your portrait photo. Edit them in Photoshop, Picasa, or Picnik to the way that you choose but they should all be a similar look and feel. Make them all 8x8 inch squares (each side is the same length with no jagged edges) using the PS template. Save them as original high quality so they print clearly; the file size must be between 1-3mb. You will be given time to complete the editing of the profile in Photoshop in class. Upload them to a new album in your Picasa and name it Photo Cube.
  8. Print your original photos at a photo lab (e.g. eMart, Kinkos, Kodak, Costco) or at home using quality glossy photo paper and a good printer. The size must be 8x10 or A4 and then cut down to 8x8. Therefore, it is important to use the original photos when printing. The size of each photo must be at least 2mb in size each.
  9. Go to a stationary store or Alpha and get a large styrofoam-like light poster board. Cut out six sides that are exactly the same size that will fit photos. Make sure to leave at least two inches around the photo so that the poster board appears to be a matte for the photo. See the example above to see the area around the photo.
  10. Assemble a cube using hot glue or a strong adhesive to hold each of the sides together. It is very important that it holds together firmly. Attach about a 1 1/2 foot wire or sting to one of the corners of the cube so that the cube can hang. Finally, attach each of the photos/mattes to the sides of the cube (you can choose which side to attache each photo/matte). You should attach your four topic photos around the sides. The bottom photo will be your 8x8 portrait and the top photo will be a title description.
  11. Title Photo (example)
  12. Include a creative title for your works and your name (e.g. Trees from Down Under, Photographed by Marcy Chang). Include a small thumbnail of each topic photo and write a description next to it (e.g. location, what it is, why you took it)
  13. Post photos showing each side of the cube including a photo of you holding it. Upload them to your picasa in a new folder called "Photo Cube." Then take one photo of the best angle and sides of the cube and upload the photo to the MF Picasa album. In the caption, enter the following links:
  14. -All sides of the cube: link
  15. -Final Photos: link
  16. -Video of Photos: link
  17. -Draft of Photos: link
  18. Post the MF Picasa link to your posterous and the posterous link to the bonus spreadsheet.
    1. Sharon's photo on MF picasa is cropped well so you can see some of the photos clearly and her self portrait photo is shown so I can see whose cube it is. Plus, her graffiti photos are very creative and good minor edits and improvements in the Picasa software.

Cost of materials to make a photo cube

6 8x10 photos @ 700 won each = 4,200 (Costco or E-Mart)

Styrofoam board = 2,000 (e.g. Alpha) or box (free)

Total price = 6,200 (max)

Due Date

Check the class calendar for the due date. You will submit the cube photos online and physically bring it to class on the due date.

Bonus Points

Judged based on neatness and construction of the cube and the composition and quality of the photos. The points will be counted towards your first quarter grade.

After all of the photos on the cube, the top photos will be chosen, printed, framed, and shown at the photography showcase for the school where people will vote on the best overall photos, which is a chance to earn additional points towards towards second quarter.

One 8x10 photo frame = 2,500 (DC Mart)

These examples look different to this year's directions where the photos will be portrait size and not really cubes.