I Am Area 3 & Ending

Add your Garageband music track and use the requirement outline to complete the editing of your video.

Then use iMovie to make the final edits to any part of your video:

    • Image correction (brightness, white balance, coloring, etc) on any needed clips.
    • Any cropping and image stabilization needed
    • All clips should be less than 3 seconds long
    • Make sure you have a transitional beat in your music according to the outline (good beat example and with good cuts).
    • Do not have any I Am text that is two lines, try to shorten it or make the text smaller. For example, If you have a Food Eater and it is too long, shorten it to a Foodie or make the font smaller.

When finished, your edited video should be 90 seconds. Export the video and upload to your Google Drive and post the link to Schoology.


    1. Low: 0:33
    2. Eye 1:11
    3. High 0:04
    4. Aerial 0:34

This is a project grade (rubric) and each area will be broken down and graded according to the directions and your quality of work.