Organize Composition Photos

Organization (example above)After you have your top photos cropped at focal point rule of thirds and squares, upload them and two unedited variation photos from each category (e.g. lines, patterns) to your CA Picasa account in an album called Photo Composition Draft I. So the first photo should be a square and the second and third variation of the first photograph does not have to be square or rule of thirds but just shows another angle/shot of the square photo. In the caption, write the primary name and number them 1-3. 1 is your best shot of the three, 2 is the second best, etc. Example: Lines #1, Lines #2, Lines #3. Make sure your proof photo follows the last photo of each group of three. Arrange them in the order listed below starting with negative space, then lines, etc (not shown in the screenshot below). To arrange the photos the way you want, make sure you can see all your photos and then at the top click organize. Go to Actions > Album Properties > and at the bottom, make sure the album is public and not private so that I can view them.Take a screenshot of your images in your Picasa album like the example and upload to Schoology along with the screenshots of the Name Letters and photo contest photos.

Elements (caption and comments in each photo)In each of the #1 photos (e.g. negative space #1, patterns #1, framing #1, etc, copy the list below and fill it which elements are used and paste it as a comment in Picasa (not Google+) FP stands for focal point and it must be a point in the area and cannot be a large area. It is very important that you label them correctly below because you will receive a grade on how accurately you have and define the elements.








FP: shoelace

RULE: balance

RoT: horizontal

ANGLE: aerial

SHOT: wide

LIGHT: hard

DEPTH: deep

CommentsAsk someone who already took CA to give you feedback on your photo composition since they know what to look for. If you do not know anyone then ask a current CA student who is doing well in photography this quarter and understands photo composition well.Send them the Picasa link and ask them to view each of the photos groups (e.g. Lines, Patterns, etc) and comment below the one photo they think is best in each of these groups. Ask them to explain why they think it is good and one thing that would have improved the photo. The comment is due within 24 hours of when this specific assignment is due.If the person suggested #2 or #3 was a better photo and you agree with them then rearrange the photo so that it is the #1 photo shown first in the group.SubmitAlso, take one screenshot of your photos (example) and post to Schoology along with the album link (make public).

Remember to take only natural photos,

not created photos like this example

Do not do:

Final Album

After you get advice from your trustworthy friends, make a new Picasa album called Photo Composition Final and upload your seven final primary photos. In the caption, write the primary composition in the same order as the draft and also include the location and estimated time (indicate the closest hour and do not show minutes: 4pm, not 4:32).

Example: Pattern: Bunpo Bridge 4pm

In the comment below the photo, copy the composition elements you had in the draft (RULE:, ANGLE, etc).

Remove Google+ if you have it and have not already so that you can comment easier on Picasa.

do not do:

Check out how they will be graded.