

Create unique and creative backgrounds for your story using the various designing methods below:


Be creative in using various styles of brushes to create a unique look and feel to your illustrations.

You are allowed to download and use other literal brushes but not image or design brushes.

The first example below is an example of literal brushes that were used.

These preset style of brushes are not allowed. You have to create and design the image.

SymbolsYou can create your own symbols but you cannot use the preset symbols or download new ones.Transform

Scewing your background so that it is not straight and flat adds more realism


Vary the angles of the scene


Use gradients to make your sky more realistic


Create elements of variations of weather to show change


Use rule of thirds when appropriate


Use various lines and shapes to show emphases and effects

3-D Shapes

Effective use of 2-D and 3-D shapes adds realism


When you animate your characters, you will be changing the angles and perspective of the scene.

Therefore, you may want to use various angles of the same scene.