Club Tshirt Design


    1. Watch the tshirt tip's video on the iMac in class while taking notes before you start designing on the computer.
    2. Take out your completed tshirt sketch paper and make minor revisions to any of your tshirt designs based on tips you learned from the video.
      • Make sure your tshirt has the logo as well as a slogan, theme, or phrase that goes along with your club.
      • For tshirt designs, they print only solid colors, no gradients.
      • When actually printing shirts you have to pay per color so do not use more than three colors. If you use black, white, or gray, this counts as a color as well although the color of the shirt does not.
    3. Then rank your tshirt designs from 1-4 on which you think is best, #1 is the best.
    4. Then ask someone in your row to rank them 1-4 using a different color pen but make sure you tell them to be honest in their opinions. Have them write one comment for their #1 choice on how to improve it.
    5. If you have time in class, you can ask Mr. Heil's t-shirt design suggestions.
    6. Download the t-shirt EPS file from the Schoology assignment. EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript and is a vector format that is considered the best choice of graphics format for high resolution printing of illustrations and are created and edited programs such as AI & PS.
    7. After you download the template, open it in AI; do not drag in the image file. Instead, open AI, cmd + o and choose the eps file so that you can edit the file. Choose the template and color of the shirt you need. If you don't have any designs on the shirt sleeve or back you can use those templates as well.
    8. Open an A4 vertical document in Illustrator or Photoshop and copy and past the template into it and create your design according to the video you watched.
    9. Make sure you have two different colors (dark and light) of tshirt and change your design colors accordingly like the video above that you watched but the design should be the same.
    10. Export the two tshirts as JPGs with the designs on them. Also export one of the designs without the shirt design as png, which is the file you would actually send to the printer. Upload these three files to Schoology.