City Cuts Planning

Open up a Google Doc or use your CA book to create an outline (example) of your filming ideas in the city and locations you plan to film. When you make your outline, put the requirements them in the order you think they would look best. tart with which shots you think would be best to start with and end with. For example, maybe you want to start with a time laps of the sunrise to the day. Maybe you want to use a foreground pan on the airplane.

Scan through the cinematic filming techniques as a few were rewritten to be more clearly understood so you can film it correctly.

When finished, take a screenshot of your outline of shots and ideas or take a photo of your CA book outline. As a comment, type the name of the city you plan to shoot and insert a good travel video you found on YT of your city.

If you have time you can go to Youtube and search your city "vietnam", "travel video," #citycuts, and/or gopro to get additional filming ideas. You should also start searching for music using copyright-free music so you know the mood and rhythm of the beats for filming.