Exact Emulate Photo

Complete the instructions only after you have your exact emulate photo approved by Mr. Heil as being acceptable:

Open the famous original photo that you tried to emulate and the photo you took copying it. To open them, have the two photos on your desktop and ctl + click on the photo and choose open with Preview. Resize the two photos in Preview or in Photoshop so that they are the same size and place the original on the left and your photo on the right. Make sure they are large on your screen. Take a screenshot of the two like the example below and add to the MF Picasa album. Post the link from the Picasa photo to the checkpoint spreadsheet.

Examples of ways to improve:

In this photo, the student is too dark and jumping at the wrong angle. It should also be a white background, which you can make in Photoshop and the subject should be wearing nicer clothes.

The student photo on the right needs a brown tint and the hand posture needs to be more sharp.

This is a good attempt but the camera should be more on the ground and back a little. Also, the leg is bent wrong and the player's weight should be back. In Photoshop, they should have made the sky and grass darker and the player brighter.

The student photo on the left shows the contrast of the city around nature while the original shows the simplicity of nature. They both have the tree in common but both give very diverse messages.

The original photo is an overwhelming photo of leaves and branches but the student photo on the right appears to have dead grass and the leaf is very different. Both have leaves but give a different message.