

n In

    • When you come into class, sign only your name (not other student names) next to your name in pen or pencil. If you do not sign in when the bell rings and you are not in the room, you are marked tardy or absent and your work grade will be deducted.


    • Nothing should be on your desk during class except any required class materials.
    • No food or drink should be visible at anytime in the lab & gum is never allowed but cough drops and breath mints are allowed if needed.
    • Before leaving class, make sure your headphone cord is wrapped & placed on the top level of your desk and push in your chair. Deductions may be given if you do not.
    • You do not need to touch or move the computer; if you damage the computer, mouse, or keyboard either directly or indirectly you will need to pay to have it fixed.


    • If you have questions about homework or any reasons as to why you cannot complete any work, email Mr. Heil as early as possible. If you cannot email him, call or text a friend to email him for you.
    • All homework, quizzes, labs, and project dates are posted on the class calendar or on the announcements. If it is not there on the day it is due, then you are not responsible for it. Mr. Heil is not responsible for announcing or reminding students in class about due dates; students must check the calendar and announcements each day.
    • It is required to check LMA (Little Miss Ann), which is short for announcements, each day which are found at the bottom of the home page.
    • You must bring your CA Book and a 4GB or higher SD card & SD card reader USB class each time; points may be deducted if not present.


    • You (not the teacher) are responsible to getting caught up on what you missed. Check the class calendar, talk to classmates, and ask the teacher if you have questions.
    • If you missed an assessment (e.g. quiz) or any class work because of an excused absence, you get one day per days absent to make it up. You must email the teacher if you need an extension.
    • I designed the coursework for computer applications so that you don't necessarily have to be in class in order to complete the work. Also, the class assignments and any homework is posted a week in advance.
    • Planned Absences
    • If you know you will be missing a class because of athletics, club, trip, etc. you need to plan ahead and try to complete the work before or during your absence. If you look at the assignments that will be given the day you are absent and you don't think you can complete the class work you will miss, you must fill out an absence form 24-hours in advance before going on your trip in order to makeup late work.


    • It is required that you save a copy of all your work in a second location in case your work is lost in its original location. For example, save one copy online and the other on a USB drive or SD card.


    • If you have questions about an assignment or grade, email Mr. Heil and include in the subject of the email Flying Flamingos. Mr. Heil checks grade questions during the weekend. If he finds a mistake that would either add points or take away points, he will consider making the change depending on the date of the assignment if it is not too far in the past. You must ask about a grade on the report card within one week of when they are sent to your email account.
    • If you completed an assignment by the day and time requirement but you did not receive credit then follow the directions at

Due Dates

    • If the calendar says that something is due on a certain day, it must be submitted and posted online on that same day before midnight. If it is a physical assignment that needs to be turned in, bring it to class.

Late Work

    • Final projects will be deducted 20% off per 24 hours late
    • All other assignments, including checkpoints, will be deducted 40% when turned in late.
    • Under unusual and rare circumstances, you can request an extension. Due date extension requests for other assessments (e.g. checkpoints) need to be requested by email at least 24 hours from when it is due.
    • A project due extension must be least four school days in advance and requested by email to


    • Unplanned AbsencesIf you are suddenly sick or not able to come to class, you need to fill out an absence form only if you will not be able to complete the class assignments on time and you need an extra day to catch up when you return.If you do not submit the absent form in advance when you know you will be absent, then according to the Handbook, if you are absent and there is a previously given assignment (e.g. project) due on the day you are not present, it is still due and you cannot turn it in late. In this class, you can submit all work electronically.
    • Absent forms can be filled out by clicking Information > forms > absent on the left side toolbar of this class website.
    • The highest percentage you can receive for a grade is a max of 111%.
    • Here is the grading criteria for the following
    • Checkpoints - graded mostly on completion/effort (depending on the assignment)
    • Final Project - graded on quality and if you followed the directions
    • For checkpoints and participation, I sometimes don't grade every single one but will choose a selection to grade. Similar to math or English class when the teacher will select certain problems or pages to grade. So do your best and complete all so that you will get full credit.
    • If you would like comments on a specific assignment, email the posterous link and request comments; it is highly recommended that you ask for comments on your rough draft in advance before you turn in your final project.
    • If you completed the assignment on time but you did not get credit for it in the gradebook, send an email to with the subject heading, "Flying Flamingos" In the body of the email, insert the link to the assignment and a link to your twitter. Also, attach a screencapture of the specific article tweet showing the appropriate day and time.
    • When you post your homework link to the google doc spreadsheet, do not edit or delete any other student's information or their rows, only your own. I have access to a complete history of all the edits to the spreadsheet and who did it. There will be major consequences for those who purposely delete, edit, or write in blanks that are not their own. And you are not allowed to post blank posterous links.
    • You can ask why you received a certain grade or why your grade report and checkpoints is what it is. After review, if I made any mistakes that would cause your grade to be higher or lower, the change can be made. Remember, you have a week to respond after the grades are posted or emailed to you.
    • In terms of projects, I will ask you to demonstrate how you did a project at any time during the year if I feel I need you to prove it to me. So make sure all of the work is your own.
    • If you are given a computer coupon for something great you did, you are the only one that can use it towards late work and you may not give/sell/trade to anyone else.
    • Good to Know
    • Email
    • Remember to include CA0 in the first part of all email headings to And if you have grade questions, write CA0 Flying Flamingos. I generally always write short, to-the-point emails in all of my replies, like a text message. If you are starting a new message to me, I prefer you to start your message with the greeting "Howzit!" If I start it, I'll try to do the same. If you are simply replying to a message, you don't have to add a greeting because our email messages are basically like a conversation and I will not think it is rude to not include a greeting/closing...just trying to be efficient.
    • Changes
    • I am constantly trying to improve this class to make it better. I make my own assignments and curriculum so need to flex for changes at times. Sometimes I may have an assignment on the calendar and someone will work ahead and do it. But when I look at it, I sometimes find that my instructions were either not clear and they did it wrong, I forgot to include something, I found a way to make the assignment even better so I sometimes edit the directions and possibly add or take away from the requirements.
    • Now if you complete the assignment according to the original directions, you are good and if the directions were later slightly altered, you are not responsible for going back and fixing it unless I post the change to LMA.


When you are ready to use it (any quarter), Fill out the form on my desk in the back and hand in your coupon. Once you turn it in, you may not change what you use it for. As I said, you are the only person that may use the coupon and cannot be given to others. If this happens, the people involved will face consequences and if others are selling them, coupons will no longer be given out.

After midquarter and final grade reports are issued to you by Mr. Heil, you may not use coupons for any of those grades on the report.

You may use a coupon for any of the following:

    • Tutorial or Checkpoint Grade: Full credit if completed & all correct
    • Quiz: Low quiz grade upgraded to a 70%, plus 30%, or delay the quiz one class
    • Project: Turn in one day late with no penalty

When you are given a coupon in class, fill out the Coupon Number form to 'register' the coupon so I know it is yours: