H. Shake Green Screen

Green Screen Filming

On the green screen during class, dress up with crazy props. Then record yourself doing crazy things on the green screen four times for 17 seconds each.

Keep in mind that later you will apply each of the following effects to each of your video so you may want to do certain green screen actions according to these effects you will apply:

    1. Doing an action and freeze (in a funny pose) at about 20 seconds into the video and unfreeze at 25 seconds
    2. Reverse your action at about 22 seconds into the video until the end
    3. Scale yourself to get slightly bigger until 22 seconds and then get smaller until the end of the video
    4. Fast opacity invisible and then visible over and over changing quickly (remember the shortcut key for opacity is t)


    1. Insert your four video clips of your green screen videos after 15 seconds and make sure they all sync to the same beat as the previous four. You can choose how big or small they are but make sure they look good within your frame.
    2. The light on the green screen might make you look a little orangish so adjust the color lighting in After Effects so it matches your outside filming clips better and it is not so bright and stands out.
    1. Edit your green screen videos in AE. If your videos are too slow in the editing process, you can open the original footage in Quicktime and export and resave them as 720p.
    2. Line up your four video clips so that after about 15.5 seconds when the lyrics say, "Do the Harlem Shake" then there is a beat, all four need to dance at the same time on that same beat. Make sure they match on the same beat.
    3. Follow the four requirements for your four green screen video clips, one each for each video (use your notes from the freeze and snowman tutorials):
    4. -Doing an action and freeze (in a funny pose) at about 20 seconds into the video and unfreeze at 25 seconds
    5. -Reverse your action at about 22 seconds into the video until the end
    6. -Scale yourself to get bigger until 22 seconds and then get smaller until the end of the video
    7. -Fast opacity invisible and then visible over and over changing quickly (remember the shortcut key for opacity is t)
    8. Add your typography name intro at the beginning before the H. Shake video & song.

Check out the rubric and then export the video.