Spreadsheets NBA List

Google Apps Tutorial 3: Spreadsheet Lists [battleship]

Lists 45min

Go to your class Google Drive and open a new Spreadsheet and rename it at the top left "Spreadsheet Tutorials Your Name."

Follow the video tutorial directions (always take notes) and as always, take notes while working on the tutorial. Then for the highest players' tab do the following:

    1. add the following bold headings
    2. italicize (cmd + i) row 2
    3. resize the columns to fit the data tighter (but not too tight)
    4. change the three player rows to different light colors.
    5. take out the grid lines (view > grid lines)
    6. resize the rows of the three players to make them bigger and vertically center the row so that the info is resting in the middle of the row instead of at the bottom of each row.
    7. Then search for one of the players listed and take a screenshot of it; insert it below those players below the last player listed.
    8. Take a screenshot of your data like the image below but include the image as well.

Next go to File > Download > PDF and use the settings below:

When finished take a screenshot of the PDF. Now go back to the previous two tutorials and make sure you have half to a full page of notes for each in your CA book (remember you can use your notes on a future quiz) and make sure that you takes notes on the shortcuts.