Winter Card Part B


Continue the video tutorial from where you last left off and make sure you have at least one each of the following: snowman, decorated tree, & a house and also add snowy mountains in the background.

Next, go back to your tree(s) and house and add shading by outline it with a dark color like the trees below. Also add a slightly darker shade in variouls shade spots like the trees and house below to make it more realistic.

You may draw additional objects on the card but you may not insert images from the Internet (all must be your own work), do not draw famous characters (e.g. Olof, Snoopy, etc), and do not trace things from the Internet although you can search for ideas to inspire you.

Change the card text to just say "Merry Christmas" and delete Mom/Dad. Then add the text From Your First Name. If you don't celebrate Christmas you can say Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, or simply Happy Winter.

Then open your Grunge Photoshop file and find the layer with the picture of yourself but make it a litter smaller than the example below and insert it in the bottom right or left corner of the card like the example.

Your Christmas Card must have the following:

    1. Snowman
    2. Decorated Tree
    3. House
    4. Snowy Mountains
    5. Frosty Brush Strokes Effect (at the end of the video)
    6. The text "Merry Christmas" and "From your first name"
    7. Grunge photo of yourself

You will be graded on the following:

    • 40% Meets the requirements in the directions
    • 30% Visually appealing
    • 20% Evidence of creativity

When finished, save as JPG full quality and upload it to Schoology and upload it using the form.

Make a new folder on your Macbook and save the JPG in the folder and make three copies of it so there are four of the same JPG files. Highlight all of them and open them in Preview and print four to a page using the glossy paper given in class and take a photo of the printed page. Use the printing directions to print from the bypass tray like you did for your magazine cover.

Cut each of the cards out and on the back using a pen or thin marker, write at least three sentences of encouragement for each card to the following four people:

    1. Parent (or combined and to both of your parents)
    2. Teacher (can be elementary, MS, or HS teacher...or a coach)
    3. Your choice (anyone like a hagwon teacher, friend, sibling, cousin, pastor, etc)
    4. Your choice (anyone like a hagwon teacher, friend, sibling, cousin, pastor, etc)

Bring your printed, cut out cards with your encouraging messages written on the back next class and leave them on your desk at the beginning of class before the bell rings to start class.
