Mockumentary Filming


    • Use the partner you were assigned to in class. If you are absent during the filming date, then film with your partner outside of class.
    • It is essential that you do not have shaky footage although for this assignment. You may use chairs, desks, or other things to steady your camera. There are some tripods available.
    • Review the principles & reminders from the videos that you need to apply when filming.
      • Use rule of thirds on the outward eye of the interviewee
      • Use look space; look towards the two thirds of your frame where there is more space
      • Medium-closeup shot cutting off the person at the chest
      • Don't look at the camera (12:00 on a clock), look slightly off the camera (about 1:00)
      • Don't use too much head room or too little
    • Filming Reminders
      • Use good lighting
      • Change your camera settings to a high video recording setting (like 1080 60f)
      • Make sure the footage is not grainy, pixelated, or blurry
      • All footage is smooth and not blurry
      • Do not use vertical video clips
      • Make sure the audio is clear
      • Do not record any interview questions being asked
      • Never in any CA videos you should use bad language, the name of God out of context (oh my God, Jesus Christ!, etc) or euphemisms, which is a word that is a substitute word (e.g. heck, dang, etc).
    • Each actor must be dressed up in different clothes and use props and dress the part of who they are while using a different accent (e.g. British) and personality when they talk (example).
    • Be sure to include your narrative arc and Act I, II, and II with a good intro at the beginning of the setting and protagonist and a finished resolution at the end.
    • If you have footage that made mistakes, keep it for possible bloopers.

B-Roll Requirements

When filming the b-roll, include the following:

    • angles: low, eye, high, reverse aerial, & aerial
    • at least three action cuts
    • at least three cutaways
    • the following video shots: tracking, head on, rack focus, horizontal pan, vertical pan

Filming Directions

    1. First film the interviews (use different locations for each person but keep the same location for each person). After you film the interview, you will know what b-roll clips you will need to film according to what the person talked about in the interview.
    2. Intro Clips: Before the interview at the beginning of your video, start with a rack focus of something in the foreground and then focus on the main actor in the background in an extreme wide establishing shot using the prop and doing what the mockumentary topic is about, then cut to a closer wide shot of them in another pose with the prop
    3. Decide on a creative ending


When finished filming airdrop and upload the footage onto your Google Drive folder (or your partner's folder).