A3 Final Photos


If you would like to improve some of your final photos then choose which ones you would like retake. Make sure that your camera takes photos at 5 megapixel or higher with the correct photo quality.

Do not do


Have the classmate that sits to your right in class fill out the rubric (print it if you did not get it in class) and have them fill it out for you and give it back to you. They should try and be as accurate as possible with their ratings. If their ratings are consistently very incorrect in a big way, they will get points taken off.

If you want to be sure to have accurate comments, ask Mr. Heil in person during class, AP, lunch, or after school for feedback on you composition photos.


If you would like to improve some of your final photos then choose which ones you would like retake. Make sure that your camera takes photos at 5 megapixel or higher with the correct photo quality.

Finished. No need to upload anything at this time but the next checkpoint you will make final edits and submit your photos for a project grade (may not use a coupon to improve your project grade, only a coupon for a 24-hour extension).

Do not do:


Now follow the editing directions and upload your final nine square edited photos in the order of the rubric with your proof shots next to each in a new Picasa album named Final A3 Project Photos (like Suna's photos below), which will be a large factor for your final project grade. Add the title (e.g. Then add your composition settings for your photo in the comment like the example below as well as this student example. Make sure the photos are the correct photo quality of 1,000kb or higher otherwise you cannot use them as they will print pixelated and not clear.

These photos will grade for your project, which is 20% of your overall grade.

#1 Negative Space


FP: flower's center

RULE: ROT point

RoT: vertical

ANGLE: high

SHOT: medium

LIGHT: soft

DEPTH: deep

  1. Email the public Picasa album that you created to Wordpress along with a screenshot of the photos like Suna's example above. This is a major assignment and will be counted as part of your project grade right now.Then upload your final 9 photos to the MF Picasa album all at one time and as the caption, write your classID: Category (e.g. ca1joey17 Negative Space). Post a link to your self-portrait photo which is one of the nine photos inside the MF Picasa album.The following are the topics that you needNegative Space
  2. Lines
  3. Patterns
  4. Framing
  5. Movement
  6. Lens Flare
    1. Leading the Eye
    2. Aperture
  7. Self-Portrait

received either Picasa comments (check your email daily for these) or verbal comments in class on your composition photos along with number grades 1-5 or na for your composition draft photos in your Picasa album. If you did not then email mark.heil@yisseoul.org the Picasa link for grading/comments.

Optional: In addition, you may take and submit an 8th photo, Bokeh, which will be graded from 1-5 and those points be added in addition to your composition grade. You will need to use a DSLR

grade (low number aperture) or a Point-And-Shoot camera with macro mode (focus it on a close up object in Macro mode and bokeh the background).