Lyrical MV 2

Second Line

Create your second line requirement of your MV and post the video clip to YT and the link to Schoology.


All work for the project must be your work. You may not download AE or AI files from the Internet, use images that you did not make (tracing is okay as long as you modify it to make it your own style) and you may not live trace. You can get assistance from Mr. Heil or others and they can guide you through it or show you how to do a small part but if you have your friend make an animation line or create extensive work that takes more than a couple minutes of help, then it is not your work and considered cheating. This project is worth 40% of your grade (20% project, 20% checkpoints) and you will receive a 0% in these two categories which compose of your project grade if you cheat and will fail the choose wisely.