Self-Portrait Retakes


You are being given the opportunity to retake some of your photos that you think you could do a better job on instead of having them graded right now. Use peer review and research to get ideas on how to take better photos while using what you have learned all year in composition, photography, and creativity.

Peer Review

During class, get a printed form that is passed out to you and have someone in your class fill out the Peer Review Form to give you feedback on your photos. When finished, ask them which ones they think you should retake. Then on the form, circle Photo 1, Photo 2, etc at the top if you plan to retake it.


Next, on your Macbook, look over the photo examples again and then do a quick search for appropriate portrait photos that may give you ideas for your retake photos.

Mr. Heil Check

Then go to Mr. Heil's desk with your partner and show him your completed peer review form your friend completed for the photos you took and show it to Mr. Heil for feedback and also show him your new pose ideas for the retake photos.


You will use the same directions as before but you will also shoot a sixth photo, all of your choice. Get your props, go to the bathroom and change your shirt, and get your camera to shoot with your partner outside. Do not bother other classes and be respectful and responsible.


Look at the photos you took and feel free to ask your friends if they are correct and creative. Rely on what you have learned in photography during CA. Mr. Heil gave you feedback on your first draft so your second draft is to see if you understand and took good photos so he will grade these without a second chance for feedback this time to see if you have them correct this time.


When finished, edit your photos on your phone and make sure the lighting is good and they are square. Crop them if needed so the composition is correct. Then transfer your photos to your Macbook and open Pixlr and edit your photos. Feel free to add filters and be creative in editing them. Add a small black border on each of them like the example below.


Upload your six photos to Schoology and as a comment, type each of the categories like you did before for each of the six final photos (feel free to copy and paste if you are reusing some of the same photos).