Letter Photos


Check out the letter photos from previous students to give you an idea of the assignment.

Take Photos

Use your first name (minimum of three letters and maximum of seven) and take letter photos outside using natural sunlight only. Make sure you take proof shots for each of your letters at the same time and location.

Some student names will be shorter than others. You may not take photo letters of actual letters (e.g. don't take a photo of the letter P in Pizza Hut) or don't try to make the letters (e.g. put sticks or objects together to make a letter). Do not use similar elements for a letter (e.g. a tree for two different letters). Although, the letter S is sometimes very hard to spot and it is scarce so if you cannot find this letter you can try to make it but don't make it obvious. The example on the right is executed well.Take all of your letters vertical (like the examples below). Later in editing you will crop the letter tight like the example above and they will be changed to 4x3in so keep this in mind and use good photo composition when taking them. Good lighting is essential since it will be black and white and good contrast is important. If you take a closeup of the photo make sure your camera is on macro.If you need ideas, check out the letter examples.You will be graded on your creativity, lighting, contrast, and how good the resemblance of the letter looks.


Place all of your letter photos with proof shots in a Google Photos album named Letters by Your Name. Then upload your best letter for each letter in your name in order of the letters in your name (e.g. David - place the d's first) and then the proof shot like the example below. Post a screenshot like the one below to Schoology.

do not do:

along with a link of the Picasa album (make the album public)