
Before choosing a career it is often helpful to consider what personality type you are.

Think about a few potential careers you want to pursue in the future.

Take five minutes to take the Keirsey Personality Assessment to know your personality type. If you don't understand some of the vocabulary of the questions, use Google to search for the definition. When you are finished, choose view report for the Temperament Mini Report next to the smiley face.


Take a screenshot (example above) of your results. In the body of a new email to your posterous, indicate your personality (e.g. Guardian) and explain the type you are (e.g. Guardian --> Supervisor, Inspector, Provider, Protector). Click on the personality below and it will show you the types for each along with explanations.

In the same email body below your personality type explanation, type the career category and then the specific career that you would like to pursue. Then type the college major that would help you prepare for that job. Write a total of three careers with a college major for each. Use the majors and careers at College Board. If you can't think of a career, ask your friends and family for advise, take the career survey, or just choose three that sounds interesting. Choose one of the careers that you would would like to focus on for Me 2.0 and write a short paragraph (about 3-4 sentences) why your personality type would match well with the top career you chose.

Example Text


The four types of Guardians are: Provider, Protector, Supervisor, and Inspector -- I think I fall under the inspector category.

1. category: health technology

career: pharmacy technician

college major: pharmacy

2. category: architecture, engineering, and drafting

career: biomedical engineer

college major: biochemistry and molecular biology

3. category: healthy technology

career: health information technician

college major: health management and clinical assistance

My focus: Biomedical Engineering

I think this career would most likely be well suited for my characteristic for I am an accurate, focused, organized person. Although I do enjoy social environment, I work well when given independence, like in a laboratory. I do well in following principles and orders, and paying attention to the details. Also, I prefer to work with valued members of a team rather than in a crowd. Biomedical engineers usually work in laboratories focused on long-term goals with a few cooperative members, like I would want to become later in my life.

Post to posterous any screenshots you were suppose to take and the text you were to type. All project checkpoints this quarter should be tagged cpMe. Remember you must email all posts to Posterous from your class Gmail. Be sure to include an appropriate subject, eg:

Me 2.0 Checkpoint: Personality ((tag:cpMe)) post the link to the Project Checkpoints spreadsheet...not the Tutorials spreadsheet.