Video Shots Activity


In your row group in class (the students you sit with in your row), film your video shots while demonstrating all of the subject shots & action shots video techniques like the example (this example had different requirements than yours but it is similar in concept).

If you are absent or taking the course during the summer you can film it all on your own and just a few of your friends to be actors.

The order to complete this in class is the following:

    1. Plan your story plot
    2. Get props (Mr. Heil has props you can borrow if needed)
    3. Get a phone pass from Mr. Heil
    4. Bring one student's Macbook with the directions
    5. Go to one student's locker to get a phone to film
    6. Film at an appropriate location
    7. Come back to the computer lab within five minutes of class ending.
    8. Use the Youtube or Drive app on your phone to upload it (Airdrop to your Macbook if needed)
    9. Return the phone pass and props
    10. Leave for your next class (no late passes to your next class)


    • In your group, choose a movie that you will act out in under two minutes. Make sure to show your story plot using the elements in a narrative arc.

Action Shots

    1. Establishing
    2. Vertical Pan
    3. Arc Shot
    4. Tracking
    5. Head On
    6. Horizontal Pan
    7. Reverse
    8. Point of View
    9. Swish Pan

Subject Shots

    1. Extreme wide
    2. Wide
    3. Medium Wide
    4. Medium
    5. Close Up
    6. Extreme Close Up


During class you will be given a handout which you will use to film your shots in this order. Each shot has three parts (an action shot, subject shot, and angle).

Whenever we film, here are the places you can film:

    • Gym lobby
    • Auditorium lobby
    • Between the Gym & Auditorium
    • On the playground (if there are no students)
    • Courtyard
    • First floor lobby

You may not film in the following locations:

    • Near the street
    • Hallways or near classrooms
    • Gym
    • Soccer field


  • One person in your group can bring a Macbook when filming to read these directions.
    • In your first scene, have one person hold the camera pointed at themselves and the rest of the group members and say the following & make sure to quickly introduce your each member of your group:
    • "These are various film shots filmed by Name, Name, & Name...and now, introducing, Name of your Film."
    • Start recording your video according to the handout order and say the name of each action shot, subject shot, and angle but do not say "swish action shot, medium subject shot, low angle." Simply say "swish, medium, low."
    • Then begin your simple and funny storyline (do not refer to killing or questionable content) with progression for the action shots while covering the camera lens with paper or your hand between shots. Your action shots must be filmed somewhat evenly among the group. For example, if there are three members in your group, each member would film 3 out of the 9 total action shots.
    • An establishing shot is a shot showing a wide view of the environment and location of where the story is taking place to give the viewer a better idea of the setting.
    • For the first clip it must have an establishing shot, extreme wide, and eye angle, all in the same clip before you cover the camera and film the next clip.
    • Remember, it must be a one-shot video and not edited. If you make a mistake then you have to start over. It is a group project grade so make sure your teammates are completing correctly. If you do not finish in class then you will submit whatever you filmed during class, even if it is not correct. You may not refilm with your group outside of class.
    • Your total time on the video must be under 2:30 or there will be one point off per second deduction.
    • RUBRIC: Action Shots: 4 points each, Subject Shots: 4 points each, Angles: 3 points each

Uploading Directions

  • When you are finished, one member needs to post the group's video to YT as public or unlisted by the end of class or by the end of the current school day 3:10pm at the latest in case you have uploading problems. Remember, you may not edit the video. Use the Youtube app on your phone to upload it directly. If that does not work then airdrop it to your Macbook and upload it to YT.
    • Name the video on YT the following: "Your Video Title" #CaOneShot.
  • In the details of the YT video, write a creative title of your film (The Talking Trash) by group names.
    • Then post the link to Schoology and should then email the YT link to the rest of the group who need to post the link in time. If you would rather email me the private YT link instead of Schoology you may do so.
    • If the group member does not email you the link then it is your responsibility to email them requesting it before the due date. If you did that but they forgot or lost it then you will not be deducted points.


Student Example

Do not comment on this video; it is not a mouseflip video. The three students did do a good job on being creative and showing most of the shots correctly (not all).


Objective: to apply various film shots and angles in a 30 second creative & humorous public service storyline

Story Structure Activity A. Idea B. Shoot C. Edit

Watch this video again from 1:01-1:22.

but you can skip the first shot, establishing shot because I don't want to make you go outside of the building to film it.