
use your own first and last name for the text (e.g. instead of mouseflip use JoeKim) but make sure to try and make the same 3D effect as the example. And instead of using "Discovery through media" create your own unique phrase that describes you (funny or serious) but try to use a similar text effect but feel free to also explore the way it moves if you can make it better. At the end instead of Mr. Heil put By your first and last name.

Open your sunrise After Effects' file and add a new composition called Title that is 3 seconds long to create a typography title intro.

Create a typography intro with the following requirements; you can choose the colors, fonts, and sizes but make sure it looks good while using your design skills:

    1. Use the video tutorial to expand a line (if it looks better, you can begin the opacity of the line at 0% if you want like the example) to reveal the title (not your name) of your sunrise/spaceship video. You will think of the creative title but don't make it too long, just 1-3 words. Add the whoosh sound in Schoology as the line drops to reveal your title.
    2. Create a new 5 second composition in the same AE file called Credits. Use a camera to zoom through the bowl of one of the letters in "Created By". Be creative! For example, you can also change the x and y axis of the text (example).
    3. View the example. After zooming through any of the letter's bowl (e.g. zoom through the a in Created), show your vector self portrait (make sure to Export it from AI as png high quality so that it is not pixelated). Have your self portrait start as 0% scale and then raise it to 100% in 1-2 seconds immediately after the camera zooms through the letter bowl.
    4. Then after zooming through, use this video tutorial to write your first name only.
    5. Add the applause sound clip in Schoology as the background
    6. Make any final adjustments or improvements to the rest of your video since you will be turning it in for a final big grade.
      1. Then download the Shooting Stars When you are all finished, it will look like this example.
    7. When finished, create a new composition called Final and add your intro composition, sunrise, and your credits composition. Export as H.264. Open in Quicktime and export as 720. Since this is the last part of this assignment, upload to Youtube and name it:
    8. Your Creative Title by Your First & Last Name #sunrisespace and post the link to Schoology.
    9. Then reply to your parent's email reply and thank them for their email reply and tell them you have been learning design animation and finished your video. Attach the video file to the email or the YT link.

Do not do:

Watch this tutorial from 4:00 to 8:30 to create a 3D background with 3D lighting for your typography animation. For the grunge background layers, use Google search to find similar image textures.

    1. At the beginning of the timeframe, create a title and hand draw it using the tutorial (example)
    2. Create a title for your sunrise/spaceship animation and use the ink splotch layers in Illustrator, import them into AE, and then animate them like the student example. Move the camera up so that you cannot see the title or ink splotches anymore


Create a new white background composition in AE and use the default settings but change the duration to 10 seconds and save in a 3D folder that you will create.

Follow the video tutorial but feel free to add your own minor changes to make it better, like this example by Prateek. In the video tutorial below, do not use the exact font shown in the video but instead, use the following changes:

replace mouse flip with Created with

replace iscovery with edia (the upside down w in created with will form the m for media)

replace through with using (zoom in through the d)

replace media with After Effects

replace By Mr. Heil with By Your First & Last Name

Follow Part I & Part II to create your own personalized 3D text. Use your own text color & font coordination that match well but don't use more than three text colors and font types.

When finished, render as H.264 and post to Schoology.

For your text, create a productions name that you like (e.g. Howzit Studios, Shaka Pictures); this may be the intro to your Superhero Film.