I Am Complete Video

Final Video Edits

In class (or outside of class)...complete the following:

    • Finalize your GarageBand song according to each part of the directions and make sure you have uploaded it to SoundCloud and make sure it is uploaded to the Schoology assignment.
    • Make sure you have the outline requirements
    • Image correction (brightness, white balance, coloring, etc) on any needed clips.
    • If you used any photos as jump cuts, make sure they are cropped to video size
    • Video stabilization used in iMovie for any shaky footage
    • Make sure to add a transitional beat for the first "I am" and then each of the two area texts (e.g. "a Master Chef") and also the last "I am" text. An easy way to do this is to simply add one tambourine or other instrument beat during the text transition (good beat example and with good cuts).
    • No title text should be two lines, only one. Make the font smaller if needed.
    • There is no cross dissolve transition required
    • Your final video should be 90 seconds long. If your video is 3:29 or 3:31, you will not receive a deduction but more or less than that, you will receive 1 point off per second.

When finished, export the video and upload to your school Youtube account either public or unlisted (your choice). Name the YT title I Am Joanne Lee Trailer Project #iamtrailer.

Then upload the file using the form. This is a project grade (rubric) and each area will be broken down and graded according to the directions, rubric, and your quality of work.

Then in the video's YT description, type the time of each of your filming requirements (put the time one second earlier to ensure not to miss it). You must type it in the format 0:22 not 22 so that it becomes a hyperlink. If you have more than one angle, shot, or cut that's great but only type your best ones to meet the number of requirements. Do not type two YT times for one requirement like the screenshot below (e.g. High Angle).


Copy and paste the following in the YT description and fill in the times. Your project requirements will be graded based on the times you type so if you make a mistake on the times it will be wrong. Also, if you know you missed a certain requirement, don't try to get credit by putting a random time in hopes to get it correct.




    1. Low:
    2. Eye:
    3. High:
    4. Aerial:
    5. Reverse Aerial:
    6. Dutch:


    1. Wide
    2. Medium
    3. Tight
    4. Extreme Close Up


    1. :
    2. :


    1. :
    2. :




    1. Low:
    2. Eye:
    3. High:
    4. Aerial:
    5. Reverse Aerial:
    6. Dutch:


    1. Wide
    2. Medium
    3. Tight
    4. Extreme Close Up


    1. :
    2. :


    1. :
    2. :




    1. Low:
    2. Eye:
    3. High:
    4. Aerial:
    5. Reverse Aerial:
    6. Dutch:


    1. Wide
    2. Medium
    3. Tight
    4. Extreme Close Up


    1. :
    2. :


    1. :
    2. :


GarageBand Voice Effect: