Story Audio

Partner B: Open GarageBand and open your Picasa album where you uploaded your story and wrote the text. Use the professional microphone in class to record each of your narrations. Remember that these are for elementary students so make sure you are enthusiastic and entertaining. You may have other students help you narrate some of the voices if needed.

Record each background narration as a separate file. Name the files bg1 Narration, bg2 Narration, etc. Place them in a folder called Story Narrations inside your CA story public folder on your Google Drive and post the link to the spreadsheet.

Partner C: Find at least one sound effect for each background. Use free websites such as Sound Bible. Name the files bg1 sound effect, bg2 sound effect, etc. Place them in a folder called Story Narrations inside your CA story public folder on your Google Drive and post the link to the spreadsheet.