
Part A: Character

Mr. Men

A classic popular children's series of books is the Mr. Men series. View the various characters to see how characters can have personality based on how they look and take a screenshot of the one that best describes you which you will post later at the end of class.


You will create a movie poster advertisement for a new cartoon movie. The character and movie title must be made up by you and original, not copied from anywhere.

R2RRead and learn about the Root 2 Rectangle and notice a lot of movie posters use this rule. Make sure you take notes and draw the diagram.

Now, create your own original character using a creative name for him or her. Look over the character document suggestionsand follow these guidelines:

    • Do not be too obvious or simple like the Mr. Men characters but use your imagination and a clever name to match.
    • Make sure the name and character are appropriate.
    • You may not use a character already created, like SpongeBob.
    • Draw or create an accessory or unique feature that goes along with the name.
    • The name should not be something obvious, like Ms. Strawberry and she is a strawberry.
    • You may use an image from the Internet to view and get inspired and possibly trace a little but don't trace the whole thing and it should look original, created by you. Do not make it look too good like it was from the Internet. Try to use the shapes and tools you learned from Illustrator.
    • Follows your Kuler color scheme (you may use noncolors black, white, & gray)
    • You may use colors that are not in your color scheme if they are natural colors for certain objects. For example, if your character is a Hot Fudge Sunday and red is not in your color scheme, you may use it for the cherry on top since cherries are naturally red and it is a minor amount of color in your design.


A big part of your character grading is how you use the following (each is required and should be used effectively):

    • Highlight Shading
    • Mesh tool
    • Gradient tool

Open a new A4 vertical document in AI. Then follow the video tutorial directions but only watch and complete up to 15:08 to complete your character. Remember that it should be creative and your own style. Not simply a copy of something on the Internet.When you are finished with your character, copy it and paste it into a new vertical or horizontal A4 AI document and resize your character so that it fits the whole page. Export it as a full quality JPG and post to Schoology.