Miniature Models


Follow the directions on how to take a high angle miniature photos.


In class, create a new PS file that is 6in wide and 4in tall with 200 resolution. Then drag the photo you want to use into the document and resize it so that it fits but keep the same ratio.

Get your miniature photos that you previously took. Make sure you have proof shots for them otherwise you cannot use and get credit for them. Then follow the directions to edit your best photo (one). You have to use the school iMac because your Macbook PS does not allow you to do one of the instructions: Filter->blur-> lens blur). If you need to do it on your macbook then use glassial blur instead.

When finished, send it to your posterous and upload it to the Miniature MF Picasa album and that link to the spreadsheet. Also upload the original photo, edited miniature photo, and proof shot to your Posterous.