Seven C's


The 7c's are key elements that are essential in writing a storyline. You may have already learned most of these in English class but we will review them. In class you will be assigned a group of four and will discuss the 7 c's. Complete both part A and part B to complete the entire assignment. If you are absent then complete this assignment by yourself and you will play the role of each group member.

    1. DirectionsEach member in your group will be assigned one of the numbers below. If you want to work ahead on this before class then you can choose one to work on and let the teacher know the day he assigns.Member #1 will get Character & Conditions
    2. #2 will get conduct and conflict
    3. #3 gets content and crutch
    4. No one will do configuration since you already know it.


    • +You and each group member will spend 10 minutes in class reading their sections and taking notes in their CA book. +Then using a sheet of A4 paper given to you (and each member in the group), use a marker and create short brief bullets, diagrams, or anything else you need to show your group as you explain to them your given topic. +Make sure the text and images are large and use colors, caps, or boxes to highlight key terms since you will be showing this to your group while you speak. +You will use one side of the paper (or a separate piece) for one topic and the other side for your other topic and for member #4 they can draw their graph on one side and the terms explaining the graph on the other.Your explanation should cover the following:Explanation of what it is
    • What is important about it
    • One movie examples per topic (use examples that were not given in the 7c examples)


While one member is explaining, each of the other members should be writing notes in their CA book. Each person should have about two pages of notes on the 7c's and there will be a future quiz on the material.

The first group member to go first will be #1 who will explain 1 (character) only. While explaining the bullets above (spend a minute or less), that group member should have someone's phone and be taking a video of themselves in landscape (like the image on the right) or have someone else film the explanation of their C topic but using a British accent (learn British) so that you can practice acting and varying your narration. The best group in class to both explain the C's and have the best accents will receive a coupon. These videos may be shown in class while students work on their AE tutorials.

+When they are done they should keep recording (do not press stop) and pass the camera/video to the next group member (#2) to explain their first topic (conduct) & remember it should be one minute or less.

+Then pass to #3 and have them explain their first topic.

+When it gets back to #1 they should explain their second topic and keep passing the camera/video in the same order and #3 will simply say a short one sentence conclusion about the overall video.

+When finished, stop the video (should be eight minutes or less) and upload it directly to YT from their phone (title it 7c's by and list the first names of your group) and place the link for each member on the spreadsheet before class ends.

This assignment is not a completion grade and will be graded out of 100 points. You will be graded on following the directions above and explanation of your content. You will be graded individually, not as a group and will not be graded off for not having a good British accent but you need to show that you tried.

Part B


Now you will create your own story idea but do not spend more than 30 minutes on it; this is your rough idea, not your final developed idea:

Part C


Decide where your story will fall in place in terms of which classmate's story you will follow and who will go after you. Make sure you contact someone and have it decided before you come to next class. You can check out the spreadsheet to see what we discussed during class. No need to post anything.