Documentary Outline

Open a new email with the subject type Documentary Outline and email the person you are going to interview. There is no school on Friday so it may be a good day to interview your documentary subject and go to their workplace or school. The documentary interview part is due by Mon Feb 24 and then you will have a week after that to film additional b-roll if needed.

So compose an email that says the exact day (on or before Feb 24) and time and include the location that you are going to meet for the interview. Keep in mind what your background will be; remember you want good lighting and nothing distracting or a wall. Also include in the email what you want the person to wear for the interview (e.g. casual, professional, career related).

Note: If your subject cancels on you and you cannot make the filming deadline then have a backup subject you can switch your project to so you can fulfill the deadline requirement.

Later when you edit your documentary it will be 2-4 minutes but you will want to film about twice that amount of time so that you can choose which parts of the interview you will want to keep.

Also in the email, make an outline for the interview format and a list example questions you want them to answer so that they can be prepared and think about their answers. Remember to ask questions that will help flush out the elements of the narrative arc and you will need to go more in depth on certain parts of their story. Of course when you ask your questions you won't simply say them in order but ask them additional questions based on their responses to understand their answers better.

For example your question may be, "How did you become so successful at soccer?" He may say, "I practiced very hard." You would then want to know more information about that short response so you may ask him where he practiced, how long, and even why in order to get deeper. The deeper you get, the better the documentary will be.

Use the following Outline Format Example with at least three questions per act (be sure your questions are specific and bring out the necessary content required for a proper narrative arc with three acts as you previously learned). The questions should also cover content that gives information about the five character development principles.



Where did you develop a passion for coaching and playing soccer in college?

Which people in your life influenced you in soccer?

What was your main goal in soccer?


Development & Conflict

What did you do each day to try and achieve this goal?

How did the conflict of your parents try to prevent you from soccer?

How did you overcome this conflict yet still respect your parents?



What key factors led up to you being recruited to the national soccer team?

Was it hard to handle the pressure at playing soccer at such a high level?

Why did you retire from soccer at such an early age?

Now that you are finished, email the individual and also send the same email to WordPress and post the link to the spreadsheet.