
  1. Seven Cs Storyline Elements
    1. Follow the directions to complete the assignment.
  2. Alternative
    1. Read the text (password howzit) and below it, write one sentence describing what you learned the most or liked and then write three questions based on the text. Write the third question so that it requires critical thinking to apply the text that was read to a situation. Do not copy other students' questions from previous comments. Take a screenshot of your comment and post to posterous. If you are the tenth student to comment, you do not need to comment questions but instead, create a brief Google Doc Presentation on the text and insert appropriate images to coordinate with the text. Share the presentation with and include editing privileges.
  3. Film Comments
  4. Vlog Footage
    1. Complete the filming of your vlog. Upload a few screenshots of your footage to posterous.
  5. Vlog Edit
    1. Complete the editing of your vlog. Upload the video to YT and post the link.
    2. do not do: Apply Seven Cs
    3. Read all the Seven Cs and sub Cs and for each main heading, write how your story will demonstrate each. If some of the Cs does not apply to your type of film, then share why it does not apply. Write this in posterous.